Meet David Correa, an Assistant Professor whose bio- inspired research include bio-materials, 4-D printing, material structures, adaptive and self-forming systems, and advanced robotic fabrication.
David looks at what nature has to teach us about high performance systems and investigates methods to translate and fabricate those ideas into architectural applications. David teaches both undergraduate and graduate studios as well as specialized research electives.
David’s research agenda recognizes that computation and advanced fabrication have opened a new territory for design intervention that was not previously accessible to architects; a design space that allows direct manipulation of the form and shape of lattices and structures at the microscopic scale that can have a crucial impact on the formation of a design solution at a larger scale. David's current 4D hygroscopic research enables architects to consider the exchange of thermal energy and moisture from our environment as direct input drivers to the physical transformation of our built environment. His work has been featured at The Oslo Natural History Museum, The BOZAR Center for Fine Arts, The Canadian Clay and Glass Gallery and Museum für Architektur und Ingenieurskunst – among many others.
Visit David's YouTube channel for an amazing look at some of his work.
David featured in Canadian Architect:
Wander Wood
3D printed façades