Arriscraft Canada Brick Speaker Series: from the field
Making Infrastructure Public
Marie Law Adams - Landing Studio
Sep 21, 2023 6:00pm | Laurence A Cummings Lecture Theatre, School of Architecture
Marie Law Adams is a co-founder of Landing Studio and Associate Professor of Architecture at Northeastern University. Landing Studio was formed in 2005 with the Rock Chapel Marine project, a shared-use road salt terminal and public park in an industrial neighborhood of Boston. While working in this community during their first decade of practice, Landing Studio studied salt production facilities across the globe and learned how seemingly standardized spaces of production and infrastructure could be shaped by local places and people. This understanding serves as a foundation for their ongoing work to bring local voices, new dimensions of human delight and comfort, and natural systems to infrastructural spaces. The work of Landing Studio has received honors such as the Architectural League’s Emerging Voices award, the Architectural League Prize, a Holcim Award, and a Progressive Architecture Award. Marie earned her MArch from MIT and is a registered architect.