Arriscraft Speaker Series | Fall 2021

Arriscraft Speaker Series | Fall 2021

Thank you for joining us for our fall events. We look forward to welcoming you to our Winter 2022 Praxes of Care events on the theme of Action. Full details to be announced in the new year. 

Praxes of Care: Attention 

The Praxes of Care speaker series is dedicated to the late emeritus professor Andrew Levitt dedicated to teaching on care and with care. 

Praxes of Care

Click to view Fall 2021 Arriscraft Speaker Series poster. Design by Julia Nakanishi.

Designing relations with land
October 21st, 6:00pm
Brian Porter & Tiffany Shaw-Collinge
Moderated by Mkomose (Andrew Judge)
Click here to watch a recording of this event

Abolishing property as architectural care
October 28th, 6:00pm

Rinaldo Walcott & Thandi Loewenson
Moderated by Ella den Elzen
Supported through the Distinguished International Visiting Scholar Program
Click here to watch a recording of this event 

Building a domestic revolution
November 4th, 6:00pm 

Jennifer Chan, Melanie Escano & Sakiko Sugawa
Moderated by Tara Bissett
Supported through the Distinguished International Visiting Scholar Program
Click here to watch a recording of this event 

November 11th, 6:00pm

Annmarie Adams & David Theodore
Moderated by Fiona Kenney
Click here to watch a recording of this event 

Delineating nation state capital
November 25th, 6:00pm 
Bonnie Devine & Luis Jacob
Moderated by David Fortin and Adrian Blackwell
Launching Scapegoat 12 - c\a\n\a\d\a
Click here to watch a recording of this event

Praxes of Care asks, "what is an architecture of care?" Over four terms–Fall 2021 to Winter 2023–a series of conversations will bring together two or more architects, designers, researchers, artists, activists, and care workers to discuss care processes according to the themes of Attention, Action, Communication, and Maintenance. The series is curated by faculty, staff, and representatives of student groups: Treaty Lands Global Stories, Bridge, and the Sustainability Collective. Recent calls for change have shifted the discipline toward the underlying social and ecological processes enabled by the production of architecture. By listening to and learning about care practices from interdisciplinary perspectives, we can begin to reshape the discipline of architecture into a form of care.


"Caring about means that we are attentive to the needs that need to be addressed. Before any caring process can begin, someone has to recognize the need for care. This is a more difficult task than it at first seems: some needs are made difficult to see or deliberately ignored." — Joan Tronto

Paying attention is the initial step of the caring process. Western technoscience theorists, Aryn Martin, Natasha Myers, and Ana Viseu, describe attention as “a mode of inquiry mediated by hesitations, questions, and observations: it is a practice of not knowing what to do even as one wants to respond.”

What is observed, focused on, or paid attention to is filtered through our individual experiences and understandings of the world. In bringing attention to something, other things may be neglected in the process. What we pay attention to affects and reflects our worldviews and the decisions we will make. Not all attention will lead to action and that can be very important. Yet the act of paying attention also calls on us to bear witness, fight for recognition, and coordinate our efforts in the struggle for equity and inclusion. This set of conversations explores how architects can be attentive to care needs while remaining critical of how and to whom attention is given.

Accessibility: Waterloo Architecture is committed to achieving accessibility for persons with disabilities who are attending the event. Closed Captioning will be available during the live event. For accommodation questions and requests, please contact us in advance of the event.

All events will be held online. 

The lecture series committee is: Tara Bissett, Adrian Blackwell, Julie Dring, Jaliya Fonseka, Marie-Paule Macdonald, Mayuri Paranthahan, Brenda Reid, Beth Vince, Wendy Yuan, Joel Wan.

Brenda Reid's recent graduate thesis, CARE As Architectural Practice, acts as the foundational framework for the series, including its four-part structure: attention, action, communication and maintenance. 

The four linked posters for the series are designed by Julia Nakanishi.

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