Professor Anne Bordeleau has been re-appointed as O’Donovan Director, School of Architecture for a four-year term commencing May 1, 2020.
During her first term as Director, Professor Bordeleau established herself as an inspirational leader for students, faculty and staff in the School. Guided by a strong vision, the School made considerable improvements on many fronts including curriculum, graduate programming and student wellbeing.
A registered Architect in Québec (OAQ), Anne is an historian with publications on the temporal dimensions of drawings, maps, buildings, and Architecture more generally. Her publications count numerous articles (Journal of Architecture, Architectural Theory Review, Architectural History, Architecture_MPS, Footprint, Les Cahiers de Droit), chapters in edited books (Materiality and Architecture, Chora 7, Architecture’s Appeal), a monograph, Charles Robert Cockerell, Architect in Time: Reflections around Anachronistic Drawings (Ashgate, 2014), and a co-authored book and exhibition, The Evidence Room (New Jewish Press, 2016; 15th Venice Biennale in 2016, Royal Ontario Museum in 2017-2018, Hirshhorn Museum in 2019). She is interested in architecture as a cultural act, a commitment that informs her research as much as her approach to education.