galt. Publication Issue 04: Pause/Play Launch Party

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Digital launch of galt. Issue 04: PAUSE/PLAY

Our reality has shifted. Through sporadic lockdowns, movements for social change shake the world while we organize within the digital realm. As time becomes nebulous, galt’s fourth issue pauses to question the design of our current reality and critically addresses our path towards better ones.

The book launch featured talks from two issue 04 contributors and two fellow publication initiatives:

  • PAUSE - vic on classism, ableism, and racism within architectural drawings and representation;
  • PLAY - Victor Zagabe on artifact restitution and the museum as a historic and ongoing colonial institution;
  • Michelle Li on Peripatetic Magazine (@peripatetic.zine), which features perspectives from Waterloo Architecture students living and working abroad;
  • Osman Bari on Chutney Magazine (@thechutneymag), which foregrounds stories of identity and culture told by marginalized voices.

Copies of PAUSE/PLAY are available for pre-order on our website at - get yours today!