Dialogues with the Transformative City exhibition (installation), at Design at Riverside Gallery, 2013. Photo by Peter Ross.
On February 27, 2014 Dialogues with the Transformative City, an architectural exhibition, opened at the University of Montreal. Marie-Paule Macdonald (Associate Professor, University of Waterloo School of Architecture) is the guest curator of the exhibition, which features the work of Lapointe Magne Architects.
The travelling exhibition, which was also featured in 2013 at Design at Riverside Gallery, in Cambridge, Ontario will run in Montreal from February 27 until March 23, 2014.
The exhibition is produced by the Maison de l'architecture du Québec (QAM. Dialogues with the Transformative City, Lapointe Magne et associés (1992-2012) is the second exhibition in the MONOGRAPHIES MAQ Series.
The series examines the work of influential Québec architects over the course of the past 20 years.