Masterworks 2024: The Reading Room Call for Submissions Now Open
All research is constructed upon a great body of knowing that has accumulated since long before our own contributions. The researcher encounters this expanse much like an archaeologist, sifting through its sedimented layers to hopefully uncover valuable fragments for their particular inquiry. They must study the strata of time, establish a relevant datum point, and determine which artifacts to conserve, document, analyze, and catalogue and how best to do so. Equally, there are findings to discard; those that are non-diagnostic or debitage, and others that are simply 'fill.' In research, we look for artifacts to unlock our narratives—whether they be watershed moments in time, soil samples, mythologies, or datasets—the possibility for discovery is a limitless plane. And each time we handle these unearthed fragments, our hands change them: the researcher naturally manipulates the found world, and all narratives are affected by our retelling of them.
The Site Magazine invites graduates of the Masters program (within the past 2 years) to submit their research as part of an immersive exhibition on print titled The Reading Room. We are seeking theses that recognize existing conditions and recorded histories, re-present them to catalyze a dialogue, and tend to our most urgent issues, such as climate change, disappearing narratives, and political/social conflicts as they relate to the built environment. We are particularly interested in research that explores the gaps, holes, nooks, and crannies where silent inequities and voices can be brought into the light. And, as editors do, we are looking for a good story.
As part of your submission, include 4 to 6 proposed "artifacts" that serve as material expressions of your research project. Ideally, these are no bigger than a shoebox, but exceptions can be made. These objects can be built, found, harvested, crafted, purchased, borrowed—so long as they fall within the orbit of your research, there are no limitations. Please include a short, introductory passage on how your research project responds to this call.
Submission materials:
- Introductory passage (max. 300 words)
- Your completed thesis (.pdf)
- A list of 4-6 proposed "artifacts", each with a descriptive title
- A concise bio (max. 150 words)
The submission deadline is Friday, June 14th, 2024, and packaged materials can be sent to
Graduates whose submissions are selected will receive compensation according to CARFAC rates ($465) for their participation in the exhibit. Upon announcement of the selected research projects, graduates will be asked to create layouts of their work using a graphic template. Please consider the time needed for this task when submitting. The Reading Room opens its doors on July 4th.
The Site Magazine publishes thematic issues exploring the built environment and its related disciplines through written and visual formats. Each issue advocates for a critical consideration of the cultural, political, formal, social, and ecological challenges facing humanity and, more broadly, our planet. Our creative projects position designers and aligned professionals as storytellers with agency, who can bring change, advocacy, and engagement beyond the traditional limits of our creative disciplines. Our latest issue, The Edit, has been recognized with the RAIC Architectural Journalism and Media Award and the National Magazine Award for Best Magazine in the Arts, Literary & Culture category.