Monica Patel

Congratulations to Monica Patel, who received an award for ​​Outstanding Design Work in 4B (Arch 493)for the 4B term in Spring 2020.

ARCH 493
Island Pools
Coordinated by Andrew Levitt
The studio invites designers to propose a series of public pools and amenity spaces on the Toronto Island that explore pubic space, sustainability and architecture’s relationship to water.

The project, Inter-being explores the relationship between ritual experience and natural cycles, exposing that this intersection between the spiritual and secular, highlights the interrelatedness of all things and their coexistence. Bounded by two walls, the intersection of ritual and cycle manifests through the sequencing of bathing spaces, material, light, time, and landscape. I am currently pursuing my Masters in Architecture at the Royal College of Art in London, where my research and work focuses on similar concepts, exploring the tension and dialogue between collective and individual rituals.