To all graduate student alumni of Waterloo Architecture, 
We invite you to submit a proposal as an alumni curator/exhibitor for the 2025 edition of Waterloo Architecture’s Masterworks Exhibition. Masterworks is an annual showcase of exemplary graduate student work that intersects a selected research/design topic proposed by a graduate alumnus. The upcoming exhibition will run from the first week of May (May 5) to the first week of July, for a duration of 10 weeks in the Riverside Gallery at Waterloo Architecture. 

This is an opportunity to build an exhibition around a specific vector of contemporary architectural research and design, highlighting recent design or research work that the applicant(s) have undertaken since graduation, in the context of exemplary thesis work.  


  • A recent Master of Architecture graduate of Waterloo Architecture (Since 2014) 

  • Demonstrate exemplary architectural design and research that you have undertaken since graduation  

Submission Requirements

1) A suggested research and design theme and a concise 250+ word description of the exhibition. This should include a high-level idea of the framework for the open call for student/faculty work 

2) A link to a webpage, or other documentation describing recent design or research work. Ideally this work has been publicly presented through exhibition, publication or performance, that can be further highlighted in the Masterworks exhibition.  

Submit a single PDF with the file name as follows "Lastname_ExhibitionTitle_Masterworks2025" to Julie Dring, Please include all information pertaining to the call in the compiled PDF as we will not consider the body of the email.  

Curator Responsibilities:  

1) The selected curator will launch an open call for graduate student work and/or faculty work, collect UWSA theses and select a set of up to 6 exemplary projects that resonate within the thematic you have chosen.  

2) Design and organize the exhibition 

3) Coordinate and facilitate the installation and take-down of the exhibition, with support from UWSA coop students. 

4) Coordinate and participate in an opening and/or closing event 

5) Promotion of the exhibition in addition to UWSA communications and media support 

Waterloo Architecture Supports

Communications on Waterloo Architecture website event page and social media platforms 

CARFAC fees for participants: $1200 for the curator and $495 each for five or more selected exhibitors  

Printing Costs for all Drawings through ACM (Architecture Computing and Media) 

Basic funding for the Opening: $300 

Faculty and staff logistics support 


Riverside Gallery and Windows at Waterloo Architecture 

7 Melville Street South 
Cambridge, Ontario 


Submissions due: January 17, 2025 

Application Review and Curator Selection: January 18-24, 2025 

Selected Curator’s open call for student/faculty work: February 10, 2025 - March 7, 2025 

Exhibition Development: March 10, 2025 -April 25, 2025 

Installation: April 28, 2025 - May 2, 2025 

Exhibition: Opening Week of May 5, 2025, Closing Week of July 7, 2025 

Exhibition Take Down: Week of July 7, 2025 

If you have questions please contact Quan Thai, 

This project has been generously supported by Cornerstone Architecture.