Riverside gallery

Gold text on a brown background: "The Reading Room is Open July 4th, presented by Site Magazine and Disko Coffee"

Masterworks 2024: The Reading Room by The Site Magazine

On View JULY 4 - September 13, 2024

Curated by Amrit Kaur Phull
Riverside Gallery

The Site Magazine welcomes you into The Reading Room to explore a decade-long journey through publishing and the printed word. Akin to an archaeological dig through layers of time, artifact, and narrative, this exhibit demonstrates how research can reveal valuable fragments that shape our awareness of the built environment. Navigate a material archive of objects and stories spanning ten issues of The Site Magazine, alongside notable thesis projects from the University of Waterloo School of Architecture Graduate program.

Featuring work by Reese Babcock, Tzu-Yen Chang, Ali Khaja, Madeleine Reinhart, Laura Woodall, and Elizabeth Yeoh.

Riverside Gallery, is located on the campus of University of Waterloo School of Architecture in the historic former Riverside Silk Mill. Situated along the banks of the Grand River in Cambridge, the gallery showcases the work of students in the graduate and undergraduate programs.


7 Melville Street South
Cambridge, Ontario
Tel: (519) 621-0460

Gallery Hours

Opening Hours:

Monday: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Tuesday:  9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Wednesday: 9:00 am - 7:00 pm
Thursday: 9:00 am - 7:00 pm
Friday: 9:00 am - 7:00 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Sunday: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Past exhibitions

Dialogues in Action: Design studio options at Waterloo Architecture Fall 2023

MAY 15 - JUNE 21, 2024

Architectural design studios address ongoing questions, but often they are monologues, not dialogues. In the fall of 2023, four option studios leveraged architecture as a medium to step outside the walls of the school and into ongoing conversations about space, creating opportunities for students to join in. From two studios addressing the deep and protracted problem of housing inequality, to one exploring our intrinsic need to belong within our built environments, and one navigating international reconciliation with Indigenous peoples, these four courses engage students and faculty together in urgent global problems, and connect them with allies and movements who challenged and inspired them.

This exhibition included work from several fall 2023 studio courses:

  • Architecture, Activism, and Advocacy Against Housing Alienation
  • Alternative housing strategies: Tiny Home Studio
  • Creativity, Identity, & Belonging
  • Turtle Island’s Embassies: Diplomacy and Reconciliation on Pennsylvania Ave

Projects Review 2023

event poster

Projects Review 2023

Projects Review is an annual exhibition of undergraduate and graduate projects from the University of Waterloo School of Architecture.

The exhibition celebrates student works that critically engage a wide variety of architectural discourses. The projects on display have been produced between May 2022 and April 2023.

Undergraduate studios take on contemporary issues facing the practice of architecture, from combating residential alienation to creating growth strategies for sustainable communities. Electives and core coursework engage new design methodologies, such as utilizing computational workflows and living organisms to redefine urban landscapes. Graduate projects are defined by self-directed theses that explore pertinent territories of architectural research in the 21st century. 

View the exhibition online!

This exhibition is generously sponsored by Cornerstone Architecture Incorporated and SvN Architects + Planners.

Masterworks 2023: The Signs That Define

a blank billboard

The University of Waterloo School of Architecture presents Masterworks 2023, an annual showcase of exemplary graduate student thesis projects.

This year’s exhibition is curated by alum Kurt Kraler around the themes explored in his graduate thesis “The Generic Spectacle” and his recently released book “The Signs That Define Toronto”, published by ERA Architects and Spacing.

Masterworks 2023 is entitled “The Signs That Define: Finding Meaning in Architectures of Exchange” and features the work of four MArch graduates including, David Ogbe’s design for a renewed Temple of Afrobeats in Nigeria, Weeney Lin’s exploration of the evolution of Chinatowns in North America, Emilie O’Neill’s design for Vancouver’s sex worker population, and Kelsey Malott’s revitalization of Los Angeles’ historic Sunset Strip. Each project thoughtfully documents, analyzes, and responds to an existing community. Since signage is a reflection of the community it advertises to, it can be one of many cultural artifacts that architects can document and observe during the design process. The various communities that each project explores not only focuses on the exchange of goods and services but the exchange of culture, music, and knowledge.

Come explore how each thesis project engages with existing communities and proposes a meaningful architectural expression.

Opening Reception:
Join us to celebrate the opening of the Masterworks exhibition.
Thursday, June 29, 2023, 7pm
Riverside Gallery
Refreshments will be provided.

Closing Reception + Discussion:
Monday, September 18, 2023, 6:30 pm
ERA Architects presents a discussion on "The Signs That Define"
More details tba
Riverside Gallery
Refreshments and closing remarks to follow.

The Shared Spaces

The Shared Spaces
ARC 393 Studio Final Projects Show

December 14 - 18, 2022
Design at Riverside, Main Gallery

The goal of this mixed-media studio is to explore a methodological framework for creative processes at the intersection of art and architecture through research discussion, experimentation, and project development in response to our complex and shared social realities Students "distill methodologies" from the work of selected representative contemporary artists, and conduct research on pressing topics such as migration experience, environmental injustice, and social isolation in the pandemic, all of which are linked to local and universal contemporary conditions. The methodological and topical research contributes to the major component: the individual projects that combine a variety of media chosen from video, image, installation, sound, and performance.

Projects Review 2022

Projects Review 2022

November 1 - December 2, 2022
Design at Riverside, Main Gallery
Online exhibition

Projects Review is an annual exhibition of undergraduate and graduate projects from the University of Waterloo School of Architecture. The exhibition celebrates student works that critically engage a wide variety of architectural discourses. The projects on display were produced between May 2021 and April 2022.

Undergraduate studios take on contemporary issues facing the practice of architecture, from post-pandemic music venues to urban growth strategies for sustainable communities. Electives and core coursework engage new design methodologies, such as utilizing computational workflows or living organisms to redefine landscapes. Graduate projects are defined by self-directed theses that explore pertinent territories of architecture in the 21st century. 

This exhibition is generously sponsored by Cornerstone Architecture Incorporated and SvN Architects + Planners.

Faculty Support 
Maya Przybylski
David Correa

James Clarke-Hicks



June 20 - July 22, 2022
Design at Riverside, Main Gallery

This exhibition shows the work of Alexander Gontarz, Jessica Hanzelkova, Nathanael Scheffler and Ye Sul E. Cho.

Prototypica_ is a four-person group proposal focused on the themes of digital fabrication, collective making, process-based prototyping, and tactile interaction. The exhibit will centre on a series of physical prototypes pulled from each thesis, with supporting material in the form of drawings, displayed artifacts, interactive activities, and short videos.

The exhibit offers a reflection on prototyping as a means to test, prove, and explore ideas (those three things but not in any particular order). It is a marked alternative to the common mode of working with prototypes, which typically uses them to craft a singular object or refine a production process. Their prototypes are instead a glimpse into several simultaneous thoughts, each one building on the curiosities of the other.

They imagine futures of connection. Human to machine, human to human, and human to material synergies that feed communality, agency based in making, open-source knowledge, and inclusionary design. Unmaking. Redoing. Unlearning. Reimagining. Repairing. Remixing. In times like these, what better way to spend an afternoon? They’ve missed building things together.