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Arash Arami

Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, Assistant Professor
Arash Arami
519-888-4567 x47648
Location: E7 3426
Link to profile: Arash Arami
Link to personal webpage: Arash Arami

Michael Barnett-Cowan

Kinesiology, Associate Professor, Associate Chair of Graduate Studies
Michael Barnett-Cowan
519-888-4567 ext. 39177
Location: BMH 1042



Google Scholar

[Waterloo News] September 25, 2018 "Virtual reality motion sickness may be predicted and counteracted"

[ScienceDaily] December 15, 2018 "Aging warps our perception of time, study finds"

[Record] October 12, 2017 "Aging slows perception of falls: UW study"

Link to profile: Michael Barnett-Cowan

Mike Beazely

School of Pharmacy, Associate Professor
Mike Beazely
519-888-4567 x21310
Location: PHR 4007
Link to profile: Michael Beazely

Annemarie Dedek

School of Pharmacy, Assistant Professor

Brian Dixon

Biology, Professor
Brian Dixon
519-888-4567 x32665
Location: B2 247A



Google Scholar

Canada Research Chair in Fish and Environmental Immunology [Canada Research Chair Profile]

[UW Science News] June 15, 2018, Waterloo Biologist mentors local teen, the 2018 International BioGENEius Challenge winner

[Waterloo Stories] January 22, 2018 "Vaccines not protecting farmed fish from disease"

[Waterloo Stories] February 13, 2014 "True love makes pacific salmon healthier"

[YouTube] October 9, 2013 "Science Scoop - For the love of fish!"

[Waterloo Stories] September 9, 2013 "Video conferencing connects Waterloo biologist to young students"

Link to profile: Brian Dixon
Link to personal webpage: Brian Dixon

Anita Layton

Applied Mathematics
Anita Layton
(519) 888-4567 ext. 36467
Location: MC 6516

Research Interests:

  • Integrative kidney physiology

  • Biofluid dynamics

  • Diabetes

  • Hypertension

Google Scholar

March 29, 2018 "Canada 150 Research Chair joins Department of Applied Mathematics"

Link to profile: Anita Layton
Link to personal webpage: Anita Layton

Nima Maftoon

Systems Design Engineering
Nima Maftoon
519-888-4567 x47654
Location: E7 6426

Research Interests:

  • Medical device and diagnostic development for hearing and hearing loss
  • Audiology and Otolaryngology
  • Acoustic, Vibration, physiological and cadaveric measurements, animal models
  • Aging, Biomechanics
Link to profile: Nima Maftoon

Kaylena Ehgoetz Martens

Kaylena Ehgoetz Martens
519-888-4567, ext. 46615
Location: BMH 1054

Research interests:

  • Aging and neurodegeneration
  • Movement disorders
  • Gait kinematics
  • Neuropsychology and neurocognitive assessment
  • Mood, emotion and cognition
  • Fear, threat, anxiety and depression
  • Virtual reality

Google Scholar

Link to profile: Kaylena Ehgoetz Martens

John Mielke

School of Public Health Sciences
John Mielke
519-888-4567, ext. 48606
Location: LHN 2728

Research interests: 

  • Neurobiological embedding of adversity
  • Biological characteristics that influence outcome from brain injury
  • Drug development, biomarkers
  • Stroke; biological characteristics that influence outcomes from brain injury

Google Scholar

Link to profile: John G. Mielke

Christine Moresoli

Chemical Engineering
Christine Moresoli
519-888-4567 x35254,519-888-4567 x47641
Location: E6 4010, E2 1776F

Research Interests:

  • Membrane filtration process (microfiltration; ultrafiltration; nanofiltration; reverse osmosis)

  • Food proteins, processes, sustainability (concentration; separation; fractionation, water and waste minimization)

  • Protein recovery and purification

  • Enzyme reaction engineering

  • Health food product development and processing

  • Thermal food processes (baking; drying; ultra-high temperature; pasteurization; sterilization)

  • Diffusion transport in biomaterials and polymeric films

Link to profile: Christine Moresoli
Link to personal webpage: Christine Moresoli

Tejal Patel

School of Pharmacy
Tejal Patel
519-888-4567 x21337
Location: PHR 7001

Research interests:

  • Pharmacotherapeutic management of neurological disorders, in particular, epilepsy, cognitive impairment and dementia, Parkinson’s disease, and headache pain
  • The assessment, classification and management of drug related problems in persons with cognitive impairment as well as the frail elderly in primary care settings
  • Medication management and adherence in older adults
Link to profile: Tejal Patel

Sean Peterson

Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Sean Peterson
519-888-4567 x38722
Location: ERC 3007

Research Interests:

  • Biological fluid dynamics, fluid/structure interaction, vortex dynamics, diagnostic methods

  • Energy harvesting

  • Cardiovascular and mechanical blood flow models

  • Human phonation, vocal fold modeling

  • Stent modeling and design

  • Biomimetic propulsors



Google Scholar

[CBB researcher story] January 8, 2013 "The Ability to be Heard Above the Crowd"

Link to profile: Sean D. Peterson
Link to personal webpage: Sean Peterson

Joe Quadrilatero

Joe Quadrilatero
519-888-4567 x48131
Location: BMH 1106

Research Interests:

The primary focus of the Skeletal Muscle Biology and Cell Death Laboratory is to study cell death processes (i.e., apoptosis and autophagy) in skeletal muscle. In addition, a major theme is the influence of mitochondrial signaling and dynamics on skeletal muscle development, function, regeneration, and health. 


Google Scholar

Link to profile: Joe Quadrilatero

David Spafford

D. Spafford
519-888-4567 x38185
Location: B1 173

Research Interests:

  • Calcium channel analysis for target drug delivery for treatment of pain, arrhythmias, angina, and potential benefits in treatment of epilepsy and cancer.

  • Structure, function and pharmacology of calcium channels and sodium channels

  • Structure and function and analysis of NALCN cation channel  and anti-calcium channel toxins

  • The Spafford Neurobiology Research Laboratory studies voltage-gated calcium channels, molecular physiology, biophysics, cell biology, protein biochemistry, fluorescence microscopy and tissue cultures.



​Google Scholar

[Science News] April 25, 2014 "Waterloo discovers a key regulator in the pacemakers of our brain and heart"

Link to profile: J. David Spafford
Link to personal webpage: David Spafford

Daniel Stashuk

Systems Design Engineering
D. Stashuk
519-888-4567 x32982
Location: EC4 2023

Research Interests:

  • Electrophysiological characterization of neuromuscular disorders

  • Autonomous and knowledge systems

  • Machine perception and sensors

  • Image processing and analysis, pattern analysis and recognition

  • EMG signal decomposition, simulation and quantitative EMG and DQEMG

  • Biomedical engineering



​Google Scholar

Link to profile: Daniel W. Stashuk

Ben Thompson

Optometry and Vision Science
Ben Thompson
519-888-4567 ext. 39398
Location: OPT 332

Research Interests

  • human visual cortex development and plasticity
  • videogames for vision rehabilitation (amblyopia)
  • vision loss treatments and rehabilitation
  • diagnostics
  • imaging

Research Gate

Google Scholar

[YouTube] February 13, 2019 "Teaching an old brain new tricks" TEDxUW

Link to profile: Ben Thompson
Link to personal webpage: Ben Thompson