quality management systems

Wednesday, March 31, 2021 1:00 pm - 1:00 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

CBB presents: System Level Test and Maturity Grid Risk Management with Abdul Khalfan

QMS Webinar Series: System Level Test and Maturity Grid Risk Management

Speaker: Abdul Khalfan CQE, SSGB

Principal, Quality Assurance & Reliability Engineering Consulting Services

QMS Webinar Series: Product Life Cycle (PLC)

Speaker: Abdul Khalfan CQE, SSGB

Principal, Quality Assurance & Reliability Engineering Consulting Services

QMS Webinar Series: Basic Concepts of Quality

Speaker: Abdul Khalfan CQE, SSGB

Principal, Quality Assurance & Reliability Engineering Consulting Services

The central theme of ‘Basic Concepts of Quality’ is to imbed the fundamentals of ‘Quality’ concepts in everyday work life and in their interactions with the society at large.