
Edgar Reitz’ Rückkehr ins Kino löste 2013 bei den Filmfestspielen von Venedig Begeisterung aus. Die internationale Filmkritik war sich einig: Mit der „Anderen Heimat“ habe der Regisseur einen fulminanten Schlusspunkt für seine gefeierte „Heimat“-Reihe geliefert.

Come watch the concluding film (which is also a prequel) to Edgar Reitz magnum opus Heimat! Released in 2013 to great acclaim, Die andere Heimat returns to the village of Schabbach, but this time it is the middle of the 19th century.

This is a long film - 263 minutes! - so pizza will be provided! The film is in German with English subtitles. For the most up-to-date event description, click on the link below to the Department of Germanic & Slavic Studies' events page.

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Maria Speth is an award-winning director who is often associated with the "Berlin school" of German filmmaking.  As part of her visit to the University of Waterloo, sponsored by the Waterloo Centre for German Studies, three of her most important films will be shown in April.