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Call for Papers: 14th Germanic and Slavic Studies Conference
University of Waterloo, December 5, 2018
All graduate students, undergraduate students, faculty and alumni from the Germanic and Slavic Studies Department as well as from other related disciplines are invited to submit proposals for papers to be given at the 14th Germanic and Slavic Studies Conference at the University of Waterloo.
Call for Papers: 2019 CAUTG
Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences/CAUTG Annual Meeting, June 1 - 7 | Vancouver, British Columbia
Applications for the 2019 Canadian Summer School in Germany now being accepted
Spend May and June in Germany with other students from all over Canada and earn university credits, live in a German home, walk through the Brandenburg Gate, immerse yourself in the German language, and more!
The Canadian Summer School in Germany (CSSG) offers Intermediate and Advanced German Language & Culture Courses German Immersion Community Service Learning Courses
Applications for Foreign Language Assistants in Germany
2019-2020 Applications for Foreign Language Assistants now being accepted by the the German Pedagogical Exchange Office (PAD) and the Canadian Association of University Teachers of German.
Information and application forms are available from your university’s Department of German (or Department of Modern Languages). At UW your contact is Katja Czarneki.
GINT - Geisteswissenschaften International Nonfiction Translators Prize
Geisteswissenschaften International Nonfiction Translators Competition (Deadline November 15)
Geisteswissenschaften International in cooperation with Frankfurt Book Fair New York is inviting all aspiring translators of German to participate in a competition.
The winning translations will receive prize money – first place: $1500, second place: $1000, third place: $500.
German Studies Association Call for Papers
GSA's Forty-Third Annual Conference, Portland, Oregon, October 3-6, 2019
The annual conferences of the German Studies Association bring together over one thousand scholars in the areas of German history, literature, culture, and politics. Presentations range over the period between the Middle Ages and the present. Not only established scholars but also younger ones, including graduate students, are welcome.
The BCG Round Table Dinner - Canada Date
28. Oktober – 1. November 2018, Round Table Dinner
Round Table Dinners for German speaking students/PhDs/MBAs and Young Professionals in Canada and the US. The idea is to present Boston Consulting Group (BCG) as an attractive employer and to discuss career opportunities that BCG Germany has to offer. See dates below.
Canadian Association of University Teachers of German (CAUTG)
University of British Columbia, Canada, May 31 – June 3, 2019
Film Screenings German Films @ TIFF 2018
September 6 to 16, 2018
TIFF 18 marks the return of Christian Petzold after his PHOENIX success two years ago with the refugee drama TRANSIT, starring Franz Rogowski and Paula Beer, straight from the Berlinale. Sven Taddicken has his world premiere in Toronto with THE MOST BEAUTIFUL COUPLE.