She joined Centre for Integrated RF Engineering (CIRFE) as an Research Assistant, and she is currently working as a Graduate Teaching and Research Assistant in the department of electrical and computer engineering, University of Waterloo, ON, Canada.
She is the recipient of Engineering Excellence Fellowship, Ontario Graduate Scholarship (2 times), President's Graduate Scholarship, WIN Nanofellowship (2 times), J. Alan George Leadership Award, Neelanjana Pal Scholarship, University Research Excellence Award, Two Best Paper Awards, IEEE Region-10 PG Research Paper Award, IEEE M.V. Chauhan Award, IEEE B.R.V. Vardhan Award, and AIU National Level Winner in Research Convention.
She has authored or co-authored many peer-reviewed journal articles or conference publications. Her research interests include RF-MEMS based switches and sub-systems for microwave and millimeter-wave applications. She is a student member of IEEE, WIE and OSPE. She is currently serving as a Vice Chair in IEEE-KW section. She is a health and safety coordinator in ECE-GSA. She served as a graduate studies committee representative in ECE-GSA from 2018-2020. She also volunteered for IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS) in 2018.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/navjotkhaira
Website: http://www.navjotkhaira.com