Production Participant and Capstone Courses At a Glance

Production Participation Courses At a Glance

Level/Weight 0.5 units (1 course) 1.0 units (2 courses) 1.5 units (3 courses)


supported contribution

Cannot be taken with: 243, 244, other PP, capstones

306 (F), 307 (W)

Requisites: THPERF students, audition (S1) or application (S2, S3)

Normally also: 243, 244, 200-level course in section area

Total class and prep time: ave. 7-9 hrs/wk

Egs: primary performer smaller role, challenging prod tasks, supported secondary headship, dramaturgical team member

316 (F), 317 (W)

Requisites: THPERF students, audition (S1) or application (S2, S3)

Normally also: 243, 244, 200-level course in section area

Total class and prep time: ave. 14-18 hrs/wk

Egs: primary performer major role, challenging prod tasks, supported full headship, ASM, writer 



guided collaboration

Cannot be taken with: 243, 244, other PP, capstones

406 (F), 407 (W)

Requisites: THPERF students, one PP course, audition (S1) or application (S2, S3)

Normally also: 243, 244, 300-level course in section area

Total class and prep time: ave. 7-9 hrs/wk

Egs: leading performer smaller role, head of secondary prod dept, dramaturgical team leader

416 (F), 417 (W)

Requisites: THPERF students, one PP course, audition (S1) or application (S2, S3)

Normally also: 243, 244, 300-level course in section area

Total class and prep time: ave. 14-18 hrs/wk

Egs: leading performer major role, head of primary prod dept, Assistant Stage Manager, Assistant Production Manager, writer

Stage Manager

416 + 490 (F), 417 + 491 (W)

Requisites: THPERF students, one PP course as Assistant Stage Manager, application 

Normally also: 243, 244, 343

Total class and prep time: ave. 21-27 hrs/wk


mentored leadership

Cannot be taken with: 243, 244, other PP


400 (F), 410 (W)

Requisites: THPERF students, one PP course, good academic standing, application

Normally also: 300-level PP course, 300-level course in section area

Total class and prep time: ave. 21 - 27 hrs/wk

(14 - 18 hrs practicum + 7 - 9 hrs reflection)

Egs: lead performer, assistant director, head of primary prod dept, assistant designer,  SM, dramaturgical team leader, playwright

A man leans on an old fashioned telephone booth as he's talking into the receiver

Darius Hahn in Phonebook - part of the UpStart one-act play festival (March 2016)