
We are interested in the survey results as a group. That is, we use the pooled results of all students from a school because this will tell us whether the existing school policies and programs are effective, or whether school policies and programs need to be improved or created. We will not be analyzing and reporting survey results of individual students. The answers your child provides on the COMPASS survey will not be revealed to any outside parties.

The privacy of your child's survey responses is important to us. We have taken the following steps to ensure that the answers your child provides on our survey remain confidential:

  • surveys are distributed using an anonymous link and no individual tracking information is collected
  • each survey is identified by a self-generated alpha-numeric code, only for the purpose of comparing data over four years
  • all student information will be kept separate from the survey responses
  • individual student responses will not be given to the school or other personnel
  • survey data will be stored on secure servers at the University of Waterloo for a minimum of 7 years and only research staff will have access to them