
Journal Publications








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Technical Reports

Volume 9 - 2023

Volume 8 - 2021

Volume 7 - 2020

Volume 6 - 2019

Volume 5 - 2018

Volume 4 - 2017

Volume 3 - 2015

Volume 2 - 2014

Volume 1 - 2013

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  • Wong, S.L., Leatherdale, S.T., Pickett, W. Data Sources for Youth Health: The Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Study and the COMPASS Study (Cannabis, Obesity, Mental health, Physical activity, Alcohol, Smoking, Sedentary behaviour). 2018 Health Canada Science Forum. Ottawa, ON. March 08, 2018.

  • Cole AG, Leatherdale ST. (May 2018). Oh the products you’ll try: Examining tobacco and nicotine product transitions among a sample of Ontario secondary school students. Oral presentation given at the 2018 Tobacco Control Forum, annual CPHA conference, Montreal, QC.

  • Cole AG, Aleyan S, Qian W, Leatherdale ST. (March 2018). Helping and harming: Evaluating school tobacco programs and policies after 4 years in the COMPASS study. Oral presentation given at the 2018 World Conference on Tobacco or Health, Cape Town, South Africa.

  • Aleyan S, Cole AG, Qian W, Leatherdale ST. (February 2018). Risky Business: Examining cigarette smoking initiation among susceptible and non-susceptible e-cigarette users. Oral presentation given at the 2018 Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD.

  • ​Cole AG, Chaurasia A, Kennedy RD, Leatherdale ST. (February 2018). The power of peers: Examining measures of susceptibility as predictors of alternative tobacco/nicotine product use. Poster presentation given at the 2018 Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD.


  • Bredin C. (November 2017). The COMPASS Study: A Research Platform for Evaluating how Practical Changes to School Environments Affect Youth Health. Oral presentation at the Healthy School Communities National Forum, Ottawa, ON. 

  • Bredin C. (October 2017). COMPASS System Overview. Oral presentation at the Child Health Locally Driven Collaborative Project (LDCP) Provincial Task Force meeting (#2), Toronto, ON.

  • Godin K, Patte K, & Leatherdale ST. (June 2017). Promoting regular breakfast eating among Canadian adolescents: what role do school breakfast programs play? Oral presentation at the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 16th Annual Meeting, Victoria, BC.

  • Godin K, Chacon V, Barnoya J, & Leatherdale ST. (June 2017). Sugar-sweetened beverage consumption and the school food environment: An examination of secondary school students in Guatemala. Poster presentation at the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 16th Annual Meeting, Victoria, BC.

  • Cole AG, Aleyan S, Leatherdale ST. (June 2017). Evaluating the strength of school tobacco policies in Ontario and Alberta: Evidence from the COMPASS study. Poster presentation given at the Public Health 2017, annual CPHA conference, Halifax, NS.

  • Cole AG, Kennedy RD, Chaurasia A, Leatherdale ST. (June 2017). Evaluating the susceptibility construct for cigarette, e-cigarette, and any tobacco or e-cigarette use among Ontario youth. Oral presentation given at the Public Health 2017, annual CPHA conference, Halifax, NS.

  • Patte KA, Henderson J, Faulkner G, Elton-Marshall T, Sabiston C, Bredin C, Battista K, Mann R, Cairney J, Leatherdale ST. (June 2017). Development of a mental health module for the COMPASS system: improving youth mental health trajectories. Oral presentation at Public Health 2017, annual CPHA conference, Halifax.

  • Aleyan S, Chaurasia A, Hammond D, Leatherdale ST. (June 2017). Evaluating the impact of  changes in tobacco interventions among never smokers between Y2 and Y3 of the COMPASS Study. Oral presentation at Public Health 2017, annual CPHA conference, Halifax.

  • Aleyan S, Qian W, Leatherdale ST. (June 2017). A quasi-experimental evaluation of school-based marijuana use prevention programming changes on student's current marijuana use within the COMPASS study. Poster presentation given at the Public Health 2017, annual CPHA conference, Halifax, NS.

  • Patte KA, Qian W, Leatherdale ST. (June 2017). Are today’s youth becoming increasingly sleep deprived? Findings from the COMPASS study. Poster presentation at Public Health 2017, annual CPHA conference, Halifax.

  • Leatherdale ST. Natural experiment methodology in health promotion and chronic disease prevention research and practice. Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) – Science Integration Division Seminar. Ottawa, ON. May 17, 2017.

  • Leatherdale ST. Research designs for natural experiments. Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) – Science Integration Division Seminar. Ottawa, ON. May 17, 2017. May 17, 2017.

  • Leatherdale ST. The COMPASS system: a research platform for evaluating natural experiments related to program, policy, or built environment changes among youth populations. Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) – Science Integration Division Seminar. Ottawa, ON. May 17, 2017.

  • Cole AG, Kennedy R, Chaurasia A, Leatherdale ST. (March 10, 2017). Identifying students susceptible to using tobacco products and e-cigarettes: An evaluation of current measures. Poster presented at the 2017 Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco Annual Meeting, Florence, Italy.

  • Cole AG, Kennedy R, Chaurasia A, Leatherdale ST. (March 10, 2017). Identifying behavioural clusters of tobacco product and e-cigarettes use: A repeat cross-sectional analysis. Poster presented at the 2017 Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco Annual Meeting, Florence, Italy.

  • Cole AG, Chacon V, Barnoya J, Leatherdale ST. (March 9, 2017). Examining the prevalence of e-cigarette use and factors associated with e-cigarette use among a sample of youth in Guatemala. Poster presented at the 2017 Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco Annual Meeting, Florence, Italy.

  • Vine MM, Butler A, Harrington DW, Patte K, Godin K, Leatherdale ST. Investigating secondary schools’ compliance with provincial nutrition policies in Ontario and Alberta: A study of school vending machines. Canadian Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, York University, May 29-June 2, 2017.

  • Leatherdale ST. The COMPASS system: a research platform for evaluating natural experiments related to program, policy, or built environment changes among youth populations. Presented at CHU de Quebec, Wednesday 18 January 2017, Quebec City, QC

  • Bredin C. COMPASS Data Collection Protocols. Presented at the Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux (CIUSSS) de la capitale-nationale, Tuesday 17 January 2017, Quebec City, QC

  • Leatherdale ST. The COMPASS system: a research platform for evaluating natural experiments related to program, policy, or built environment changes among youth populations. Presented at the Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux (CIUSSS) de la capitale-nationale, Tuesday 17 January 2017, Quebec City, QC

  • Leatherdale ST. The COMPASS system: a research platform for evaluating natural experiments related to program, policy, or built environment changes among youth populations. Presented at Université Laval, Monday 16 January 2017, Quebec City, QC


  • Vine MM, Harrington DW, Butler A, Patte KA, Godin K, Leatherdale ST. School nutrition policy compliance in Ontario and Alberta: An environmental assessment of secondary school vending machine data from the COMPASS Study. The Canadian Association of Geographers – Ontario Division (CAGONT) Conference, October 29, 2016, Waterloo, ON.

  • Vine MM, Harrington DW, Butler A, Patte KA, Godin K, Leatherdale ST. Secondary school compliance with the Ontario School Food and Beverage Policy: An exploration of vending machine contents using data from the Compass Study. Canadian Public Health Association Conference, Toronto, ON, June 13-16, 2016.

  • Battista K, Dubin J, Leatherdale ST. (May 2016) Evaluating the Use of Multiple Imputation by Chained Equations for Longitudinal Survey Data: An Examination of BMI Outcomes from the COMPASS Study. Poster presented at the 2016 Statistical Society of Canada Student Conference, St. Catharines, ON.

  • Vine MM, Butler A, Patte K, Harrington DW, Godin K, Leatherdale ST. (2016) Secondary school compliancy with the Ontario School Food and Beverage Policy: An exploration of vending machine contents using data from the Compass Study. Healthy Eating in Today’s Food Environment...Is it Possible? Hosted by the Nutrition Resource Centre, Toronto, ON, May 11, 2016.

  • Cole AG, Qian W, Leatherdale ST (March 2016). Evaluating the impact of school-based tobacco interventions on changes to susceptibility to future smoking among never-smoking youth in the first two waves of the COMPASS study. Poster presented at the 2016 Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
  • Laxer RE, Cole AG, Mison S, Markham C, Leatherdale ST (2016). COMPASS & Ophea: Integrating research and practice to prevent chronic disease in youth. Workshop presented at the CDPAC’s 6th Pan-Canadian Conference - Integrated Chronic Disease Prevention: The Value Proposition. February 24, 2016; Toronto, Ontario.


  • Cole AG, Bredin C, Chacón V, Barnoya J, Leatherdale ST. (November 2015). Building population health research capacity in Guatemala using the COMPASS system. Oral presentation given at the 22nd Canadian Conference on Global Health, Montreal, QC.
  • Cole AG, Leatherdale ST. (February 2015). Examining the impact of changes in school tobacco control policies and programs on current smoking and susceptibility to future smoking among youth in the first two waves of the COMPASS study: Looking back to move forward. Poster presented at the 2015 Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Cole AG, Laxer RE, Leatherdale ST. (2015). Social Consequences of Overweight and Obesity among Ontario High School Students. Canadian Journal of Diabetes, 39, S67. Poster presentation at the Canadian Obesity Summit.
  • Harvey A, Leatherdale ST. (2015). An examination of how school facilities are associated with physical activity among youth in the COMPASS study. Poster presentation at the 4th Canadian Obesity Summit. Toronto, ON.
  • Jones A, Hammond D, Reid JL, Leatherdale ST. (2015). Where should we eat? Lunch source and dietary measures among youth during the school week. Poster presentation at the 4th Canadian Obesity Summit. Toronto, ON.
  • Laxer RE,  Leatherdale ST. (2015). The Role of Knowledge Brokers in Preventing Weight Gain Among High School Students. Abstracts/Can J Diabetes, 39(S33eS34), S33eS34. Oral presentation at the Canadian Obesity Summit.
  • Laxer RE, Qian W, Leatherdale ST. (2015). Do 'healthier' students exhibit higher academic achievement and school connectedness? Poster presentation at the International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity conference. Edinburgh, Scotland.
  • Leatherdale ST, Laxer RE. (2015). Do changes in school eating behaviour policies or programs impact student fruit and vegetable consumption? Oral presentation at the International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity conference. Edinburgh, Scotland.


  • Leatherdale ST. (2014). The COMPASS Study: a cohort of obesity, marijuana use, physical activity, alcohol use, smoking and sedentary behaviour among youth. Presented at the Residencia de Investigación en Enfermedades Crónicas. January 16, 2014; Guatemala.
  • Laxer RE, Leatherdale ST. (2014). The COMPASS study: a longitudinal study designed to evaluate changes in programs, policies and the built environment on physical activity and other modifiable risk behaviours among youth. Poster presented at the 2014 Global Summit on the Physical Activity of Children, 21 May 2014; Toronto, Ontario.
  • Laxer R,  Leatherdale ST. (2014). The COMPASS study: a longitudinal study designed to evaluate changes in programs, policies, and the built environment on overweight, obesity, and related health behaviours among youth. Poster presented at the Canadian Obesity Student Meeting at the University of Waterloo, June 2014; 2nd place for PhD posters).


  • Laxer, RE, Leatherdale ST. (2013). Reliability and validity of weight status and diet measures in the 'Cohort study on obesity, marijuana use, physical activity, alcohol use, smoking and sedentary behaviour (COMPASS)questionnaire.' Canadian Journal of Diabetes, 37, S284 (The Canadian Obesity Summit).
  • Laxer RE, Leatherdale, ST. (2013). The COMPASS Study: A new cohort study examining how changes in school policies, programs, and the built environment are associated with obesity and correlates of obesity among students over time. Canadian Journal of Diabetes, 37, S230 (The Canadian Obesity Summit).
  • Wagner M, Carson V, Leatherdale ST. (2014). COMPASS study: A program of research designed to improve youth health through school-based programs, policies and build environment resources. Poster presented at the Shaping the Future 2014 Conference. January 25, 2014; Kananaskis, Alberta.

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