CIHR COMPASS Renewal Grant (2022-2027)

CIHR COMPASS Renewal Grant (2022-2027)

CIHR COMPASS Renewal Grant (2022-2027): Evaluating the ongoing impact of COVID-19 on youth substance use and mental health trajectories over time: renewal of the COMPASS prospective cohort.

By extending the COMPASS cohort for an additional 5 years (2022/23 to 2026/27), our primary goal is to evaluate the ongoing impact that restrictions associated with the COVID-19 pandemic have on youth substance use (onset and patterns of use including poly-substance use), and changes in mental health over time. We will also explore the potential differential impact of the pandemic on these outcomes in relation to gender, racial discrimination and ethnicity, and affluence, using both the linked-longitudinal and repeat cross-sectional samples available within COMPASS. The secondary goal is to maintain the additional surveillance and integrated knowledge translation (iKT) activities associated with COMPASS in other topic domains (e.g., academic achievement, bullying, sleep, physical activity, sedentary behaviour) to address the evidence needs of school and public health stakeholders who use COMPASS data for planning and evaluation activities annually.

Le projet COMPASS (Québec)