Establishing and supporting innovative research projects is an important priority for the University of Waterloo. The Canadian Foundation for Innovation’s John R. Evans Leaders Fund has recognized four Faculty of Science researchers to embarking upon research or technology development that is innovative, high quality and meets international standards.

Jenine McCutcheon, Professor in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, was awarded $100,000 for the project Biofilms as Bioreactors: Using Microbial Processes to Sequester Carbon and Remediate Metals in Mine Waste Materials. This project will study the structure and chemistry of microbial mats and biofilms. The results will have applications to carbon sequestration and metal recovery in mine waste materials, thereby contributing to more sustainable mining practices.
This project is one of the 21 projects selected for funding at Waterloo. A total of 332 projects were funded province wide though this initiative. This funding helps institutions recruit and retain outstanding researchers, acquire the tools that enable the innovative work of leading researchers and offer research support.