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Over the past year, several faculty members in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences have transitioned into retirement. While they may not necessarily be stepping completely away from the grind, let’s hope they find time for some gneiss relaxation.

A paper entitled “The surficial geology record of ice stream catchment dynamics and ice-divide migration in the Quebec-Labrador sector of the Laurentide Ice Sheet,” by Martin Ross, professor in the Earth and Environmental Science Department, and former PhD student Jessey Rice was chosen as one of the Editor’s Choice papers for the first half of 2024.

Since 1994, the Waterloo Wellington Children’s Groundwater Festival has been a cornerstone of environmental education in the region. Founded by Earth and Environmental Sciences alumnus Peter Grey, this annual event draws approximately 6,000 elementary students each year, fostering a deep understanding of water resources among young learners. 

The European Geosciences Union (EGU), the leading organization for Earth, planetary and space science research in Europe, has awarded the Jim Dooge Award to Water Institute member Juliane (Julie) Mai, Research Associate Professor in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences. The award was announced April 16th at the 2024 EGU general assembly in Vienna, Austria.

A long-standing collaboration between the University of Waterloo’s Earth Sciences Museum and the Earth and Environmental Sciences department involves a trip to Northern Ontario to the Whitefish River First Nations land. Among them was Liam Blaquiere, who shared his love for science with elementary students from JK to grade six at the Shawanosowe School.

Philippe Van Cappellen, professor in the Earth and Environmental Sciences department and Canada Excellence Research Chair Laureate in Ecohydrology, has been appointed a University Professor  by the University of Waterloo. This designation recognizes exceptional scholarly achievement and international pre-eminence. Van Cappellen is the first Earth and Environmental Sciences professor to receive this honour.

Four University of Waterloo researchers, including Earth and Environmental Sciences professor David Blowes, were awarded funding earlier this month from the Ontario government for innovative research that ranges from cleaning up arsenic-laden mine waste, treating potential virus outbreaks, and using artificial intelligence to protect valuable financial data.