ECE 671 - Fall 2015

ECE 671 - Microwave and RF Engineering


Professor Slim Boumaiza
Office: E5 4026
Telephone 519 888 4567 extension 37017

Lab instructor

Nizar Messaoudi

Teaching assistant

To be determined.


The course focuses on the fundamental methods for the analysis and design of microwave/RF passive and active circuits. The essentials of computer-aided design of microwave/RF circuits as well as major aspects of hardware implementations will be covered. Important RF applications for wireless communication systems will also be discussed. The course will include:

  • Transmission line theories and generalized matrix representation of RF circuits
  • Analysis of multi-port RF networks
  • Introduction to modern microwave planar technologies
  • Lumped and distributed microstrip circuits
  • Analysis of microstrip circuits
  • Microstrip couplers, hybrids and impedance matching networks
  • Microwave resonators and filters
  • Design of RF low noise amplifiers (LNAs)
  • Design of RF oscillators and mixers
  • Use of existing commercial CAD design tools for RF circuits
  • Hybrid and Monolithic RF circuits


Students are expected to be able to design and analyze various microwave passive (filters, couplers, combiners/dividers) and active circuits (linear amplifiers and oscillators) after successful completion of the course work. For that, this course introduces transmission line theory, impedance matching techniques, and microwave circuit network analysis. It discusses the design of practical microwave circuits such as filters, couplers, low-noise, amplifiers, and oscillators.


  • Basic knowledge in Electromagnetic and analog Electronic
  • Electrical and Computer Engineering course “Electromagnetic Fields”(ECE 370) or equivalent, or permission of the instructor

Design project

Each student will have a design project dealing with the design of a particular nonlinear RF active circuit with realistic specifications. The design project requires that the student use RF CAD software Agilent's Advanced Design System.

Software tools

The design project and the homework assignments require that the student use Agilent's Advanced Design System software which models microwave elements with second-order effects.

Use of calculators in examinations

Programmable and/or scientific calculators without formulae storage and /or text display features may be used during examinations. Personal computers may not be used in examinations

Grading basis

Assignments 15%
Project 35%
Final Examination 50%


Required Textbook:

  • D. Pozar: “Microwave Engineering”, 3rd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Recommended books:

  • Guillermo Gonzalez, Microwave Transistor Amplifiers: Analysis and Design, Second Edition, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0-13-254335-4
  • R. Ludwig, P. Bretchko, RF Circuit Design: Theory and Applications, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2000