
EngAdmin is a Nextcloud instance for Engineering Staff and administrative Faculty. During the COVID19 pandemic a local on-campus location for document storage was required. Through Nextcloud, an open-source "dropbox"-like Web service, accessible through a browser or through an installed client application that synchronizes a selected folder. The synchronization client is available for Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android, etc. Nextcloud also allows easy file sharing among Nextcloud users. The current default quota is set to 200G. DUO two factor authenication is used so you will be redirected.

The URL of EngAdmin is https://engadmin.uwaterloo.ca/nextcloud you can go directly to the web page or if you want a more seamless experience add the client to your device from https://nextcloud.com/install, and install the appropriate client. You will need administrative privileges on your device to install the software. The nextcloud client can be pushed to nexus workstations automatically, see your local computer support person or send email to ray@uwaterloo.ca.

Please contact the Engineering help line x46932 or send email to engrt@engmail.uwaterloo.ca for an account or if you have any questions. The current administrator is ray@uwaterloo.ca.

NOTE: Nextcloud similar to other software defaults to installing files in the user's roaming profile which can cause over quota problems on Nexus workstations. Please direct the cache (one of the questions asked when adding the account) to C:\Temp or another drive such as the D: drive.