The Engineering Computing Help Desk is located in E7-2466. Hours of operation are: Monday to Thursday (9 am - 4 pm), Fridays (9 am - 12 noon). Hours are reduced during exam periods and the office is closed between academic terms. Please contact us at
We also have a dedicated support line for Faculty and Staff at x46932 during working hours.
Software recommendations from our consultants:
Information Systems and Technology (IST) and Engineering Computing have put a lot of effort into evaluating and pursuing site licenses for software that we believe is useful for scientific computing applications. Some of our license agreements allow students to use a copy at home while they are registered, or allow students to purchase their own copies at a significant discount. However, most site-licensed software is only applicable to University-owned computers but is available on the Waterloo Nexus PC network, and/or on-campus Unix hosts. We encourage you to explore the software available to students. Self-paced courses on many software titles are available to students and staff. See this IST Knowledge Base article on how to access LinkedIn Learning.
What follows are some recommendations for software to use for various tasks.