Authenticating to NEXUS Domain
Many on-campus computers require authentication to the NEXUS Windows domain. Most on-campus computers and systems just require users' user IDs (trucated to 8-characters) and passwords as set in WatIAM, the campus ID management system. An example of the form of the user ID is "aperson", for on-campus computers where Nexus domain log-in is indicated on the log-in panel.
When on-campus computers and services are accessed remotely, or from computers not managed in NEXUS domain, authentication to NEXUS domain must be done explicitly, by specifying the user ID in one of these two equivalent forms: e.g., or nexus\aperson. The WatIAM/NEXUS password is used.
Many UW services now in the cloud also provide "single sign-on" (SSO) authentication, passing authentication back to UW campus and the NEXUS domain. For cloud services, including Microsoft 365, Eduroam wireless network, Overleaf, Mathworks, and many others, user IDs are specified as, e.g., along with the WatIAM/NEXUS password.
Two-Factor Authentication
To protect passwords and identities, everyone at UW must enroll in the DUO Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) system. Many campus systems, both local and in the cloud, now require 2FA, and more are being added over time. The simplest way to manage 2FA is through the DUO app on your smartphone. It is wise to configure more than one 2FA method so that you have a backup.
Campus Virtual Private Network (VPN)
Except for web-based services, remote access to most on-campus services requires a VPN connection through the Cisco AnyConnect client software on your computer or mobile device. The VPN provides a secure network connection to the campus and makes your computer appear to be on the campus network. Connecting to the campus VPN requires a 2FA challenge. Examples of when the VPN is required:
- Using Remote Desktop to connect to on-campus Windows workstation.
- Connecting to on-campus network storage
- Downloading software purchased from the UW Webstore
A VPN connection is not required for:
- Access to any cloud services, such as Microsoft 365, Workday, Overleaf, etc.
Information regarding NEXUS credentials, user ID and account creation, forgotten passwords, NEXUS file server (N drive), NEXUS profile server, remote file access, personal web pages, and profile resetting can be found below.