As a three week, Monday to Friday field course, ERS 341 Professional Practice I is designed to equip students with the real-world tools and experience that will carry them into their dream jobs, graduate studies, and beyond. Introducing students to monitoring and assessment techniques for mammals, birds, insects, reptiles, amphibians, soil, freshwater mussels, and plants, students gain hands-on learning experience in collaboration with partner organizations and experts in the field.
Working in teams and individually, 2019 projects included recommendations for an Eastern Meadowlark restoration as well as stream assessment and project design. In addition to day trips, this summer course offered an incredible two night stay at the Bluewater Outdoor Education Centre in the Bruce Peninsula, learning traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) from local experts (and setting up moth sheets at night in search of Luna Moths!)
“Each of the ideas and concepts were continually reinforced through lecture and experiential learning. I realized by the end of the course the amount I learned felt like more learning than I had ever done in my time at the University of Waterloo. It resulted in me gaining confidence in myself and my ability to learn”
“This was the most beneficial class I have ever taken. I have come away from this class with an array of knowledge that I am certain I will be taking with me throughout the remainder of my degree and into my future career”
ERS 341 - 2019 students: