Congratulations to Lowine Hill and Madu Galappaththi for their recognition as SERS student achievement leaders. Lowine and Madu (in collaboration with planning student Sarah Ghorpade) established a unique program for the Faculty of Environment that focuses on critical reflections on the colonial aspects of sustainability research. In particular, Lowine and Madu are being recognized by SERS for catalyzing a three-part workshop series and bringing together graduate students and faculty from across the university to reflect on and evaluate the role that we have as a research community in addressing issues of equity and inclusion, and in seeking to foster more respectful research.
Their contributions and reflections were written about in an article on Shackle on Trust's website.

The SERS Good Citizen Award is a new award (created in 2019) which is awarded to one or two nominated students in our SERS community each year who have demonstrated outstanding accomplishments in one of more of the following areas:
- Volunteerism and/or contributions to the School community;
- Promotion or publicity of the School;
- Mentorship of junior students
- Participation as speaker in classes or outreach efforts.