Professor Robert de Loë, of Environment and Resource Studies and the Water Institute at Waterloo, has been awarded an Insight Development grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.
De Loë will use an Insight grant to inspire new ways of governing water. He wants to change the way we think about water issues by exposing the connections between water and related areas such as energy, food, finance, security and trade.
“My research will focus on why we have been dealing with the same water problems for decades, with too little progress in many cases, and determining how we can re-frame water issues to move forward,” said Professor de Loë. “This grant gives my team and me an extraordinary chance to step back, re-evaluate, and take a strategic approach to research that I hope will make a difference in water governance around the world.”
The goal of both the Insight and Insight Development grant programs is to support new approaches to interdisciplinary research on complex topics to mobilize research knowledge with the potential for intellectual, cultural, social and economic impact.
For more information on these awards, please visit the SSHRC website.