We are proud to announce SERS student Anita Lazurko was chosen as one of 16 Trudeau Scholars for 2020.

Lazurko is completing a PhD in Social and Ecological Sustainability in the School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability (SERS) at the University of Waterloo. Her research explores transformation pathways in river basins attempting to build adaptivity and/or resilience to uncertain climatic and socio-economic futures.
“I believe that one of the most important solutions to our water issues is instilling a sense of global citizenship, empathy and accountability in all of us, and allowing that to guide our actions,” said Lazurko. “This opportunity will allow me to pursue new avenues for water governance and climate adaptation that integrate disciplines and worldviews and proactively engage with complex, uncertain futures.”
After her B.Sc. in Civil Engineering at the University of Calgary, Lazurko completed a joint Erasmus Mundus MSc in Environmental Sciences, Policy and Management at the Central European University (Hungary), Lund University (Sweden), and the University of the Aegean (Greece). She has worked in Sri Lanka, Canada, the Netherlands and across southern Africa on various topics including transboundary strategic planning, decision making under deep uncertainty, and natural infrastructure for climate adaptation.
Anita served on the Board of Directors of Engineers Without Borders Canada and was on the Young Scientific Programme Committee for World Water Week in 2018. In 2019, she received the Donella Meadows Fellowship, an award for young rising stars in sustainability.
“This recognition is a wonderful testament to Anita's unique ability to cross disciplines, explore novel tools to grapple with climate and socio-economic uncertainty, and do so in the context of a crucial challenge facing humanity - equitable governance of our water resources,” said SERS researcher Derek Armitage.
Lazurko and all of the 2020 Scholars will embark on a leadership program built upon experiential learning, benefitting from the experience and expertise of Mentors and Fellows through the scientific cycle Technology & Ethics. Timelier than ever, this theme will teach Engaged Leadership skills while exploring various aspects of biotechnology and artificial intelligence, notably in the development of health care policy and delivery systems.
“I would like to thank the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation of this life-changing opportunity, said Lazurko. “Its commitment emerging leaders and the democratization of knowledge is crucial for moving toward a sustainable future.”