The University of Waterloo’s School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability is launching the SERS Mentorship Program this spring term. The program’s goal is to provide SERS students with the opportunity to receive advice and support from their peers, and to gain insights from upper year students and environmental practitioners. Sessions will cover an array of topics including co-op placement success, graduate school opportunities, securing entry-level jobs, and career options. Each session will include at least one guest speaker who will discuss their experiences, offer advice, and answer student questions.
Our first session is scheduled for Thursday May 27th at 7:00 PM EST. This session will be an opportunity for students to present their ideas for the SERS Mentorship Program. In addition, SERS PhD candidate Jess Kidd will discuss her experience as an ERS undergrad, the transition to an MSc in Biology, and her 9 years of experience as an environmental practitioner.
Please sign up for the session using the google form
If you have any questions about the program or upcoming session, please contact: