Welcome, Bienvenue, Boozhoo to SERS!

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

For some of us this is welcome back and for others it is welcome for the first time. Wherever you are from, whatever your background, you belong in SERS and you are wanted here.

For all of us it’s a new Fall Term and one unlike anything we have ever experienced before. If you’re feeling a little anxious and uncertain about how things are going to go with this self-distanced and largely online term, you’re not alone. We’re all feeling that but we’ll all cut each other a little slack and we’ll muddle through it together.

There is an upside to all this. Adapting to the COVID-19 pandemic has made us re-think how we learn, teach and communicate with one another. You will see innovations this term in teaching, research and community service. Some of these innovations will be improvements over what we did before and they will become part of the new normal. But there are heaps of things we haven’t figure out yet. You have arrived just in time! This is an exciting time of change and your contributions are needed.

The SERS Administration Team and I are here to help make your term comfortable, productive and fun so please reach out to us.

Please use our **NEW** contacts below. We are available by Email, Phone or Teams meetings to assist you.

Patti Bester

Undergraduate Program Advisor

Email: sers-ug@uwaterloo.ca

Phone: 519-888-4567, ext. 46576

Schedule a Teams meeting with Undergraduate Program Advisor

Maren Oelbermann

Associate Director, Undergraduate Studies

Email: sers-uad@uwaterloo.ca

Phone: 519-888-4567, ext 47552

Amanda Campbell

Graduate Program Coordinator

Email: sers.gradadvisor@uwaterloo.ca

Phone: 519-888-4567, ext. 42784

Schedule a Teams meeting with Graduate Program Coordinator

Derek Armitage

Associated Director, Graduate Studies


Phone: 519-888-4567, ext. 45795

Jennifer Nicholson

Administrative Manager

Email: sers.admin@uwaterloo.ca

Phone: 519-888-4567, ext. 43444

Simon Courtenay


Email: sers.director@uwaterloo.ca

519-888-4567, ext. 45796

Stay posted to social media for a lot of exciting things being organized this fall from active student clubs, the Peer Mentorship Program, BIPOC-related events, and more!

Environment Peer Mentorship Program

Wondering how to stay connected after Orientation Week? You’ll find that as of September 8th you’ll be in cohort-based Microsoft Teams channel. You’ll be connected with all of your fellow 1A ERS students. The program runs six weeks into the school term. Each week you’ll receive guidance from upper year ERS students on a different academic topic and have the opportunity to connect with your peers in fun online games to keep things light as the term progresses. If you want to know what an upper year student in your program would do in your position, this is the place to ask! You can access this on September 8th on Teams the same way you may have for Waterloo Ready and Orientation. If you’re new to the platform, download Teams, log in with your UWaterloo user ID, and get connected! If you aren’t connected with your mentorship group on September 8th, please contact Graham Barnes (graham.barnes@uwaterloo.ca).

Social Media

School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability (SERS)

ERS Student Association (ERSSA)

Welcome! We look forward to working with you.

Prof. Simon Courtenay

Director, School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability