Maren Oelbermann

Maren Oelbermann

Maren leads the Soil Ecosystem Dynamics Research Group with an international team whose work focuses on climate change and the impact of climate change on plant and soil ecosystems, restoration of marginal/degraded lands, and sustainable agriculture (permaculture, intercropping, agroforestry practices, organic farming). The goal of this research group is to enhance our knowledge of the environmental processes that take place in plant and soil ecosystems. By doing so, we hope to further understand how to use natural, managed and restored ecosystems to help mitigate and adapt to climate change. In addition to field and laboratory work (in Canada and abroad), her research team also uses novel and advanced techniques that help to understand future changes in soil-plant interactions under global change scenarios. She teaches courses in forest ecosystems and management, soil ecosystem dynamics and tropical ecosystems.

Maren is a Professor in the School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability and holds a cross-appointment to the Department of Geography and Environmental Management and is a Special Graduate Faculty at the University of Guelph. Maren was also a visiting researcher in Costa Rica (CATIE) and the USA (Cornell University) prior to becoming a professor at the University of Waterloo. She supervises graduate students (Ph.D. and Master’s) as well as international visiting scholars and undergraduate thesis students. Maren's graduate students have continued their studies in academia or become project managers in environmental consulting firms or governmental organizations. She is on the editorial board of multiple journals and serves on the Board of Directors of the Association for Temperate Agroforestry.