SERS Alumn Q&A - Teressa Silverthorn

Teressa Silverthorn completed her Bachelor of Environmental Studies in 2018 and is currently pursuing a Master of Science (Forestry) degree at the University of British Columbia.

Teresa Slverthorn

What years were you at SERS?


What degree did you complete in SERS?

Bachelor of Environmental Studies in Environment, Resources, and Sustainability, Honours, Co-op Program, French Minor, Diploma in Ecological Restoration and Rehabilitation.

What was your favourite thing about your program/time at SERS?

One of my favourite things about SERS was the flexibility of the program because it allowed me to explore my specific interests in the natural sciences, pursue a minor in French, go on field courses, and participate in an international exchange. On top of this, the core SERS courses fostered valuable interdisciplinary critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

What was your favourite course and/or learning experience (and why?) in SERS?

It would be so hard to choose just one favourite course/learning experience!

My top picks would probably be examining plant-pollinator relationships in the beautiful Bruce Peninsula with Dr. Brendon Larson in ERS 283 Ontario Natural History: Species and Patterns; going on field trips around Waterloo Region and learning to identify flowering plants in ENVS 300 Plants of Ontario with Bev Raimbault and Karen Buschert; and ERS 484 Soil Ecosystem Dynamics and my Honours Thesis with Dr. Maren Oelbermann because they helped me discover my love for soils!

What are you doing now that is meaningful to you?

I’m currently pursuing my Master of Science (Forestry) degree at the University of British Columbia. I am investigating the effects of forestry practices on greenhouse gas fluxes from riparian zones of headwater streams at the Stream and Riparian Research Lab in UBC’s Faculty of Forestry.

If applicable, how did what you learned/experienced in SERS assist with what you are doing now?

My passion for soil science research and interest in mitigating anthropogenic impacts on the planet fostered through my SERS undergraduate degree led me to pursue graduate studies. In particular, conducting my Honours Thesis project examining the effects of biochar on crop root biomass gave me a taste of what the research process is like.