Visiting speaker series - Bob Wiseman

Friday, March 8, 2024 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm EST (GMT -05:00)
Poster for a talk by Bob Wiseman on March 8 2024 at noon in ECH 1219.  Background of poster shows a child outside wearing a mask, a batman sweatshirt and a sheet as a cape.

The Department of Fine Arts would like to invite you to join us on Friday March 8 at noon for our Visiting Speaker Series featuring musician Bob Wiseman.

Bob Wiseman is a multiple Juno award recipient, Governor General Media Arts Nominee and recipient of the Key to Bruno Saskatchewan. His book Music Lessons on ECW Press, was listed by the Globe and Mail as a top ten music book the year it was released (2020). Much of his music streams on Spotify and he has produced short films and videos to accompany his live performances. Currently completing a PhD at the International Institute for Critical Studies in Improvisation. Some career highlights - being kissed by Odetta, acting with Meryl Streep, added to David Byrne’s influential playlist and head-butted by Wesley Willis. He believes Sun Ra is in fact from Saturn.

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