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Postdoc experience

The University of Waterloo is committed to fostering a robust community of support and appreciation for the many amazing postdocs that work here. Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs (GSPA) organizes a variety of events and opportunities focused on connecting University of Waterloo postdocs and celebrating the work they do: 

Postdoc experience profiles

Every postdoc at University of Waterloo has a unique set of stories and experiences, and we want to hear them! Through the postdoc experience profiles project, GSPA collects stories from postdocs to create a profile discussing their experieces with certain aspects of their time as a postdoc at UWaterloo. This is an opportunity to share about yourself, and the thoughts or advice you have for your peers. Read our current profiles, covering everything from experiences as an international postdoc to connecting with a community of peers as a postdoc, and share your postdoc experience with us

Postdoc e-news

On the first and third Tuesdays of each month, GSPA sends out a newsletter to all postdocs through their official email account. This Postdoc e-news is filled with relevant news for postdocs, including interesting events and workshops, valuable tools and resources, and opportunities to socialize with other postdocs. Content is gathered from campus partners, external sources, and even from other postdocs. It is a fantastic resource for postdocs to stay informed about what is happening at UWaterloo, and to stay connected with the rest of the postdoc community.  

Visit our web page to learn more about the postdoc e-news, and for specific upcoming issue dates and an archive of past issues. On this page, you will also find information on submitting items to the e-news. Postdocs are welcome to submit events or opportunities to the e-news that would be relevant to the rest of the UWaterloo postdoc community. 

Postdoc LinkedIn Group

Looking for a way to connect with other postdocs on campus? You’re invited to join the University of Waterloo Postdoc LinkedIn Group! This group offers a space for postdocs to make connections with other postdocs, ask questions, and share advice or relevant resources. Visit our Postdoc LinkedIn Group website to learn more about how to join and how to create a LinkedIn profile.

Postdoc socials  

Postdoc happy hour group photo Postdocs talking in a groupPostdocs at an outdoor table

GSPA periodically hosts social events for postdocs and, sometimes, their families. These are opportunities to meet and socialize with other postdoctoral fellows working at the University of Waterloo. Postdocs socials have been held both virtually and in-person, and we try to include a mix of both to be as inclusive as possible of the varied life and work situations of Waterloo postdocs. One of our most popular events has been the postdoc picnic, where postdocs and their families gather outside to network and socialize while enjoying lawn games and a BBQ lunch. Other events have been held at local restaurants or establishments. No matter the venue, we hope that you will join us for games, snacks, occasional prizes, and a chance to enjoy the wider scholarly community of postdocs! 

GSPA strives to hold one event per term. When social events for postdocs are held, all current UWaterloo postdocs will receive an invitation to their official account. 

Postdoc Appreciation Week

Colourful banner

Every year on the third week of September the University of Waterloo celebrates National Postdoc Appreciation Week (NPAW), a time to recognize the work and contributions of postdoctoral fellows to our academic community. During this time, GSPA organizes a full week of events, activities, and giveaways for all of our amazing postdocs. This includes professional development and personal wellness workshops, creative activities, gift giveaways, and social events with free food and drinks. 

You can check out National Postdoc Appreciation Week page for more information. In late August or early September, all Waterloo postdocs receive an e-mail invitation to participate in NPAW, as well as links to event registrations. At that point, our web page will also be updated with full details for all of that year's activities.