Field Research Laboratory

This laboratory serves as the Groundwater Geochemistry and Remediation Research Group’s field-sample processing location. Our investigations include inorganic and organic samples of various scales such as water samples, cores, sediments, sludges, and various rock and mineral samples that may range from individual minerals to a tonne of rock. At this location and the adjacent loading dock, we can receive all samples and process them without introducing contaminants into the analytical laboratories. Additionally, within this laboratory, we have the capability to perform pre-analytical processing such as aqueous field measurements, milling and pressing for x-ray fluorescence/diffraction, or soil water removal from cores along with experimental areas to conduct weathering experiments in cold and ambient temperatures.


Carbon sulfur analyzer

  • ELTRA CS 2000 with auto sampler
  • determination of carbon and sulfur in organic and inorganic samples
  • equipped with an induction and a resistance furnace (ELTRA Dual Furnace Technology)
  • covers the full range of carbon and sulfur analysis
  • ELTRA CS 2000 Carbon Sulfur 2

Meters and probes for measurement of field parameters

  • Meters capable of measuring pH, Eh, EC, DO, alkalinity, temperature

Sample preparation facilities

Drying Oven

  • Drying oven, 0 to 300 ºC


  • Precision balance, 0.5 to 6,100 g scale

Sample Storage

  • -20 ºC chest freezers used for storage and archiving of samples and materials
  • Over 900 cubic feet of walk-in cold room space, variable temperature control, used for experimental studies, storage and archiving of environmental samples

Hydraulic Press

  • 10,000 psi hydraulic press, used for preparation of solid samples for x-ray fluorescence analysis

Fume Hoods

  • Two fully operational fume hoods, outfitted with sinks and gas valves, used for short-term sample preparation

Core Presses

  • Four fully outfitted core presses, equipped with 4-6 tonne hydraulic jacks, used for the compression of core samples for pore water removal

Riffle Splitter

  • Riffle-type sample splitter for sample homogenization

Pan Sieves

  • ASTM E-11, 3-inch and 8-inch pan sieves for particle distribution analysis


Humidity test cells

  • Humidity cell tests are designed to mimic weathering of environmental samples at the laboratory scale.