Groundwater Remediation Laboratory

This fully serviced laboratory is used for treatability tests to evaluate the removal of dissolved metals and metalloids in groundwater from mining, industrial and municipal sites.

The treatability tests involve the use of bench scale flow-through column tests to identify reactive materials and mixtures that may be suitable for use in a full-scale PRB. The treatment promotes the removal of dissolved contaminants under natural groundwater flow conditions.

Sample preparation

Coy Anaerobic Chambers

  • Coy anaerobic chambers for operation of remediation processing involving anoxic reactions such as sulphate reduction reactions
Coy Anaerobic Chambers

Dionex Ion Chromatography Systems

  • Dionex IC for the analysis of aqueous anion species
Dionex Ion Chromatography Systems

Hamilton diluters 

  • Hamilton diluters used during samples preparation stages
Hamilton diluters


  • Balances for reagent and standard preparation

Water Purifier Systems 

  • Water purifier systems for reagent preparation

Water Purifier Systems

Hach Portable Spectrophotometers 

  • Hach portable spectrophotometers for the analysis of hydrogen sulfide, phosphate, ammonia, volatile organic acid, iron, manganese, chromium

Hach Portable Spectrophotometers

pH, Eh, meters

  • Meters for the analysis of pH and Eh of water samples

pH, Eh, meters

Fume hoods

Fume hoods

Benchtop Mini Pal 4 Panalytical XRF 

  • XRF for the analysis of sample by dispersive X-ray fluorescence analysis

benchtop mini PAL panalytical XRF

Sample Storage

  • Cold Storage Room (walk-in freezer) for storage water and solid samples

Cold storage