Recent publications

Dr. David Blowes


  • Atherton, C., Wilson, D., Holland, S.P., Raymond, K.E., Barsi, D.R., Zak, J., Smith, L., Sego, D.C., Amos, R.T., Paktunc, D., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W. 2025. Diavik Waste Rock Project: Post-emplacement investigation of sulfide weathering from a deconstructed experimental waste-rock pile. Applied Geochemistry. 181: 106293. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2025.106293

  • Budimir, F., Ptacek, C.J., Amos, R.T., Blowes, D.W. 2025. Chromium isotope fractionation during the removal of hexavalent chromium by oak-based biochar. Chemosphere. 369: 143880. doi; 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2024.143880 

  • Feng, Y., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., Gan, Y., Xie, X., Fonfrock, Z., Liu, P. 2025. Interactions between phosphate and arsenic in iron/biochar-treated groundwater: Corrosion control insights from column experiments. Water Research. 273; 123072. doi: 10.1016/j.watres.2024.123072


  • Chen, M., Gregoire, D.S., Bain, J.G., Blowes, D.W., Hug, L.A. 2024. Legacy copper/nickel mine tailings potentially harbor novel iron/sulfur cycling microorganisms within highly variable communities. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 90: e00143-24. doi: 10.1128/aem.00143-24

  • Barsi, D.R., Beier, N.A., Sego, D.C., Atherton, C., Blowes, D.W., Smith, L., Amos, R. 2024. Classifying variability of material properties in mine waste rock. CIM Journal. 10(2): 77-93. doi: 10.15834/cimj.2019.8

  • Zhang, A., Wilson, D., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W. 2024. Reactive transport modelling of tailings
    hydrogeochemistry under a composite cover. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology. 261: 104290. doi: 10.1016/j.jconhyd.2023.104290

  • Hussain, S.I., Blowes, D.W., Ptacek, C.J., Wootton, B.C., Balch, G., Higgins, J. 2024. Wastewater Treatment for Nutrients and Pathogens in a Demonstration-Scale Outdoor Constructed Wetland System. Water. 16(15): 2198. doi: 10.3390/w16152198

  • Smith, L.J.D., Paktunc, D., Blowes, D.W. 2024. Secondary mineral formation and trace-element reservoirs in weathered waste rock: Integration of quantitative mineralogy and conventional mineralogical techniques. Journal of Geochemical Exploration. 266: 107563. doi: 10.1016/j.gexplo.2024.107563

  • Verbuyst, B.R., Pakostova, E.P., Paktunc, D., Bain, J.G., Saurette, E.M., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., 2024. Microbiological and geochemical characterization of As-bearing tailings and underlying sediments, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 266: 133554. doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2024.133554

  • Shrimpton, H.K., Ptacek, C.P., Blowes, D.W. 2024. Selenite stable isotope fractionation during abiotic reduction by sodium sulfide. Environmental Science and Technology. 58(30): 13490–13497. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.4c03607


  • Zhang, A., Bain, J.G., Schmall, A., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., 2023. Geochemistry and mineralogy of legacy tailings under a composite cover, Applied Geochemistry, 159: 105819. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2023.108159

  • Zhang, A., Bain, J.G., Schmall, A., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., 2023. Seasonal hydrology and gas transport in a composite cover on sulfide tailings. Canadian Geotechnical Journal. Just-IN. doi: 10.1139/cgj-2022-0606

  • Hussain, S.I., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., Liu, Y., Wootton, B.C., Balch, G., Higgins, J. 2023. Transport and attenuation of an artificial sweetener and six pharmaceutical compounds in a sequenced wetland-steel slag wastewater treatment system. Water, 15(15): 2835. doi: 10.3390/w15152835

  • Bao, Z., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., 2023. Extracting Resources from abandoned mines: Recovering minerals and metals from abandoned mines could aid decarbonization. Science, 381(6659):731-732. doi: 10.1126/science.abn5962

  • Bao, Z., Wilson, D., Bain, J.G., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., 2023. Delineation of the spatial variability of carbonate and sulfide minerals in mine waste-rock piles using geostatistics. Minerals Engineering, 191: 107978. doi : 10.1016/j.mineng.2022.107978

  • Sapkota, B., Verbuyst, B., Bain, J.G., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., Al, T.A. 2023. Geochemical and mineralogical investigation of cemented crusts in the tailings cover at Long Lake Gold Mine, Sudbury, Canada. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 451: 131192. doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2023.131192

  • Bailey, B.L., Amos, R.T., Blowes, D.W., Moore, M.L., Ptacek, C.J., Smith, L., Sego, D.C., 2023. Diavik wasterock project, Northwest Territories, Canada: Predicting field-scale waste-rock drainage quality from humidity-cell experiments. Economic Geology, 118(3): 585-597. doi: 10.5382/econgeo.4932


  • Blume, O., Guitard, E., Crann, C., Orekhov, M., Amos, R.T., Clark, I., Lapen, D., Blowes, D.W., Ptacek, C.J., Craiovan, E., Sunohara, M. 2022. Relationships between carbon age and CO₂ efflux in agricultural and drainage ditch soils using the thermonuclear bomb pulse. Vadose Zone Journal, 21(5):e20208.doi: 10.1002/vzj2.20208

  • Wilson, D., Amos, R.T., Sinclair, S.A., Sego, D.C., Smith, L., Blowes, D.W., 2022. Diavik Waste Rock Project: Simulation of the geochemical evolution of a large test pile using a scaled temperature and sulfide-content dependent reactive transport model. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 248:104023. doi: 10.1016/j.jconhyd.2022.104023

  • Wilson, D., Smith, L., Atherton, C., Smith, L.J.D., Amos, R.T., Barsi, D.R., Sego, D.C., Blowes, D.W., 2022. Diavik Waste Rock Project: Geostatistical Analysis of Sulfur, Carbon, and Hydraulic Conductivity Distribution in a Large-Scale Experimental Waste Rock Pile. Minerals, 12(5): 577.doi:10.3390/min12050577

  • Liu, Y., Ptacek, C.J., Groza, L.G., Staples, R., Blowes, D.W., 2022. Occurrence and distribution of emerging contaminants in mine-impacted lake water and potential use as co-tracers of anthropogenic activity in the subarctic region, Northwest Territories, Canada. Environmental Research, 207: 112034.doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2021.112034

  • Angai, J.U., Ptacek, C.J., Pakostova, E., Bain, J.G., Verbuyst, B.R., Blowes, D.W., 2022. Removal of arsenic and metals from groundwater impacted by mine waste using zero-valent iron and organic carbon: Laboratory column experiments. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 424: 127295. doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2021.127295

  • Bao, Z., Al, T., Bain, J.G., Shrimpton, H.K., Finfrock, Y.Z., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., 2022. Sphalerite weathering and controls on Zn and Cd migration in mine waste rock: An integrated study from the molecular scale to the field scale. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 318: 1-18. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2021.11.007

  • Liu, Y., Ptacek, C.J., Beauchemin, S., MacKinnon, T., Blowes, D.W., 2022. Effect of composting and amendment with biochar and woodchips on the fate and leachability of pharmaceuticals in biosolids destined for land application. Science of the Total Environment, 810: 151193. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.151193

  • Saurette, E.M., Finfrock, Y.Z., Verburyst, B., Blowes, D.W., McBeth, J.M., Ptacek, C.J., 2022. Improved precision in As speciation analysis with HERFD-XANES at the As K-edge: The case of As speciation in mine waste. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 29(5): 1198-1208. doi: 10.1107/S1600577523006069

  • Bao, Z., Bain, J.G., Saurette, E., Zou Finfrock, Y., Hu, Y., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes D.W., 2022. Mineralogy-dependent sulfide oxidation via polysulfide and thiosulfate pathways during weathering of mixed-sulfide bearing mine waste rock. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 317: 523-537.doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2021.10.012

  • Parigi, R., Chen, N., Liu, P., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., 2022. Mechanisms of Ni removal from contaminated groundwater by calcite using X-ray absorption spectroscopy and Ni isotope measurements. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 440: 129679. doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2022.129679

  • Parigi R., Chen N., Reid J.W., Ptacek C.J., Blowes D.W., 2022. Nickel isotope fractionation during precipitation of Ni secondary minerals and synchrotron-based analysis of the precipitates. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 317: 91-105.doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2021.10.027

  • Parigi, R., Pakostova, E., Reid, J.W., Saurette, E.M., McBeth, J.M., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., 2022. Nickel isotope fractionation as an indicator of Ni sulfide precipitation associated with microbially mediated sulfate reduction. Environmental Science & Technology, 56(12): 7954–7962. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.2c00523

  • Pakostova E., McAlary M., Marshall S., McGarry S., Ptacek C.J., Blowes D.W., 2022. Microbiology of a multi-layer biosolid/desulfurized tailings cover on a mill tailings impoundment. Journal of Environmental Management, 302: 114030. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.114030

  • Tang J., Ptacek C.J., Blowes D.W., Liu Y., Feng Y., Finfrock Y.Z., Liu P., 2022. Mercury adsorption kinetics on sulfurized biochar and solid-phase digestion using aqua regia: A synchrotron-based study. Chemical Engineering Journal, 428: 131362. doi: 10.1016/j.cej.2021.131362

  • Bao, Z., Bain, J.G., Holland, S.P., Wilson, D., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., 2022. Hydrogeochemical Response of a Variably Saturated Sulfide-Bearing Mine Waste-Rock Pile to Precipitation: A Field-Scale Study in the Discontinuous Permafrost Region of Northern Canada. Water Resources Research, 58(1): e2021WR031082.doi: 10.1029/2021WR031082


  • Wang. A.O., Ptacek, C.J., Mack, E.E., Blowes, D.W., 2021. Impact of multiple drying and rewetting events on biochar amendments for Hg stabilization in floodplain soil from South River, VA. Chemosphere, 262: 127794. doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.127794

  • Bao, Z., Al, T., Couillard, M., Poirier, G., Bain, J.G., Shrimpton, H.K., Finfrock, Y.Z., Lanzirotti, A., Paktunc, D., Saurette, E., Hu, Y., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., 2021. A cross scale investigation of galena oxidation and controls on mobilization of lead in mine waste rock. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 412: 125130. doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2021.125130

  • Hussain, S.I., Phillips, L.A., Hu Y., Frey, S.K., Geuder, D.S., Edwards, M., Lapen, D.R., Ptacek C.J., Blowes, D.W., 2021. Differences in phosphorus biogeochemistry and mediating microorganisms in the matrix and macropores of an agricultural clay loam soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 161: 108365. doi: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2021.108365

  • Craig, A.T., Shkarupin, A., Amos, R.T., Lindsay, M.B.J., Blowes, D.W., Ptacek, C.J., 2021. Reactive transport modelling of porewater geochemistry and sulfur isotope fractionation in organic carbon amended mine tailings. Applied Geochemistry, 127:104904. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2021.104904

  • Smith, L.D.J., Paktunc, D., Blowes, D.W., 2021. Trace elements in sulfides and release to porewater from sulfide oxidation in a historical waste-rock pile, Ontario, Canada. Applied Geochemistry, 126: 104899. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2021.104899

  • Pakostova, E., McAlary, M., Marshall, S., McGarry, S., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., 2021. Microbiology of a mine tailings impoundment covered with a multi-layer dry cover containing biosolids. Journal of Environmental Management, 302: 114030. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.114030


  • Liu W., Feng Y., Zhong H., Ptacek C.J., Blowes D.W., Liu Y., Finfrock Y.Z., Liu P., Wang S., 2020. Aqua regia digestion cannot completely extract Hg from biochar: A synchrotron-based study. Environmental Polution, 265: 115002. doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2020.115002

  • Bao, Z., Blowes, D.W., Ptacek, C.J., Bain, J.G., Holland, S.P., Wilson, D., Wilson, W., MacKenzie, P., 2020. Faro waste rock project: Characterizing variably saturated flow behavior through full-scale waste-rock dumps in the continental subarctic region of northern Canada using field measurements and stable isotopes of water. Water Resources Research, 56(3): e2019WR026374. doi: 10.1029/2019WR026374

  • Pakostova, E., Schmall, A., Holland, S.P., White, H., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., 2020. Performance of a geosynthetic clay-liner cover system at a Cu/Zn mine tailings impoundment. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 86(8): e02846-19.doi: 10.1128/AEM.02846-19

  • Liu, P., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., Finfrock, Y.Z., Liu, Y.Y., 2020. Characterization of chromium species and distribution during Cr (VI) removal by biochar using confocal micro-X-ray fluorescence redox mapping and X-ray absorption spectroscopy, Environment International. 134: 105216 doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2019.105216

  • Pakostova, E., Johnson, D.B., Bao, Z., MacKenzie, P.M., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., 2020. Bacterial and archaeal diversity in sulfide-bearing waste rock at Faro Mine Complex, Yukon Territory, Canada. Geomicrobiology Journal, 37(6): 511-519. doi: 10.1080/01490451.2020.1731020

  • Wang, A.O., Ptacek, C.J., Paktunc, D., Mack, E.E., Blowes, D.W., 2020. Application of biochar prepared from ethanol refinery by-products for Hg stabilization in floodplain soil: Impacts of drying and rewetting. Environmental Polution, 267: 115396. doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2020.115396

  • Bao, Z., Bain., Holland, S.P., Wilson, D., MacKenzie, P., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., 2020. Faro waste rock project: Characterizing geochemical heterogeneity in sulfide- and carbonate-rich waste rock. Applied Geochemistry, 121: 104691. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2020.104691

  • Liu, Y., Ptacek, C.J., Baldwin, R.J., Cooper, J.M., Blowes, D.W., 2020. Application of zer-valent iron coupled with biochar for removal of perfluoroalkyl carboxylic and sulfonic acids from water under ambient environmental conditions. Science of the Total Environment, 719: 137372. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.137372

  • Wang, A.O., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., Finfrock, Y.Z., Paktunc, D., Mack, E.E., 2020. Use of hardwood and sulfurized-hardwood biochars as amendments to floodplain soil from South River, VA, USA: Impacts of drying-rewetting on Hg removal. Science of the Total Environment, 712:136018. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.136018

  • McNeill, B.J., Pakostova, E., Bain, J.G., Gould, W.D., Amos, R.T., Wilson, G.W., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., 2020. Microbial community structure within a weathered waste-rock pile overlain by a monolayer soil cover. Applied Geochemistry, 114: 104531. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2020.104531


  • Hussain, S.I., Frey, S.K., Blowes, D.W., Ptacek, C.J., Wilson, D., Mayer, K.U., Danyang, S., Gottschall, N., Edwards, M., Lapen, D.R., 2019. Reactive transport of manure-derived nitrogen in the vadose zone: Considerations of macropore connectivity to subsurface receptors. Vadose Zone Journal, 18(1): 1-18. doi: 10.2136/vzj2019.01.0002

  • Wang, A.O., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., Gibson, B.D., Landis, R.C., Dyer, J.A., Ma, J., 2019. Application of hardwood biochar as a reactive capping mat to stabilize mercury derived from contaminated floodplain soil and riverbank sediments. Science of the Total Environment, 652: 549-561. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.10.213

  • Liu, P., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., Finfrock, Y.Z., Steinepreis, M., Budimir, F., 2019. A method for redox mapping by confocal micro-X-ray fluorescence imaging: using chromium species in a biochar particle as an example. Analytical Chemistry, 91(8): 5142-5149. doi: 10.1021/acs.analchem.8b05718

  • Suhogusoff, A.V., Hirata, R., Aravena, R., Robertson, W.D., Ferrari, L.C.K.M., Stimson, J., Blowes, D.W., 2019. Dynamics of nitrate degradation along an alternative latrine improved by a sawdust permeable reactive barrier (PRB) installed in an irregular settlement in the municipality of São Paulo (Brazil). Ecological Engineering, 138: 310-322. doi: 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2019.08.001

  • Liu, Y.Y., Blowes, D.W., Ptacek, C.J., Groza, L.G., 2019. Removal of pharmaceutical compounds, artificial sweeteners, and perfluoroalkyl substances from water using a passive treatment system containing zero-valent iron and biochar. Science of the Total Environment, 691: 165-177. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.06.450

  • Liu, P., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., Finfrock, Y.Z., 2019. Mercury distribution and speciation in biochar particles reacted with contaminated sediment up to 1030 days: A synchrotron-based study. Science of the Total Environment, 662: 915-922. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.01.148

  • Langman, J.B., Sinclair, S., Amos, R.T., Wilson, D., Ptacek, C.J., Sego, D.C., Smith, L., Blowes, D.W., 2019. Alkalinity generation from weathering of accessory calcite and apatite and acid drainage neutralization in an Archean granitoid waste rock. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 205: 106341. doi: 10.1016/j.gexplo.2019.106341

  • Liu, P., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., 2019. Mercury complexation with dissolved organic matter released from thirty-six types of biochar. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 103(1): 175-180. doi: 10.1007/s00128-018-2397-2

  • Liu, P., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., 2019. Release of nutrients and trace elements from wood-, agricultural residue- and manure-based biochars. International Journal of Environmental Research, 13(4): 747-758. doi: 10.1007/s41742-019-00209-5

  • Suhogusoff, A.V., Hirata, R., Ferrari, L.C.K.M., Robertson, W.D., Stimson, J., Forbes, D., Blowes, D.W., 2019. Field performance of two on-site wastewater treatment systems using reactive media layers for nutrient and pathogen removal. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 32: 100905. doi: 10.1016/j.jwpe.2019.100905

  • Wilkin, R.T., Lee, T.R., Sexton, M.R., Acree, S.D., Puls, R.W., Blowes, D.W., Kalinowski, C., Tilton, J.M., Woods, L.L., 2019. Geochemical and isotope study of trichloroethene degradation in a zero-valent iron permeable reactive barrier: A twenty-two-year performance evaluation. Science of the Total Environment, 53(1): 296-306. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.8b04081


  • Liu, P., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., Gould, W.D., 2018. Control of mercury and methylmercury in contaminated sediments using biochars: A long-term microcosm study. Applied Geochemistry, 92:30-44. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2018.02.004

  • Wilson, D., Amos, R.T., Blowes, D.W., Langman, J.B., Smith, L., Sego, D.C., 2018. Diavik Waste Rock Project: Scale-up of a reactive transport model for temperature and sulfide-content dependent geochemical evolution of waste rock. Applied Geochemistry, 96: 177-190. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2018.07.001

  • Shrimpton, H.K., Jamieson-Hanes, J.H., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., 2018. Real-time XANES measurement of Se reduction by zerovalent iron in a flow-through cell, and accompanying Se isotope measurements. Environmental Science & Technology, 52(16): 9304-9310. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.8b00079

  • Liu, P., Ptacek, C.J., Elena, K.M.A., Blowes, D.W., Gould, W.D., Finfrock, Y.Z., Wang, A.O., Landis, R.C., 2018. Evaluation of mercury stabilization mechanisms by sulfurized biochars determined using X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 347: 114-122. doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2017.12.051

  • Liu, P., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., Finfrock, Y.Z., *Steinepreis, M., Budimir, F., 2018. A method for redox mapping of chromium species in a biochar particle using confocal micro-X-ray fluorescence imaging. Environmental Science and Technology. 91(8): 5142–5149. doi: 10.1021/acs.analchem.8b05718

  • Wang, AO, Ptacek, CJ, Blowes, DW, *Gibson, BD, Landis, RC, Dyer, JA, Ma, J., 2018. Application of hardwood biochar as a reactive capping mat to stabilize mercury derived from contaminated floodplain soil and riverbank sediments. Science of the Total Environment, 652: 549-561. doi: /10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.10.213

  • Paulson, K.M.A., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., Gould, W.D., Ma, J., Landis, R.C., Dyer, J.A., 2018. Role of organic carbon sources and sulfate in controlling net methylmercury production in riverbank sediments of the South River, VA (USA). Geomicrobiology Journal, 35(1): 1-14. doi: 10.1080/01490451.2016.1247483

  • Wilson, D., Amos, R.T., Blowes, D.W., Langman, J.B., Ptacek, C.J., Smith, L., Sego, D.C., 2018. Diavik waste rock project: A conceptual model for temperature and sulfide-content dependent geochemical evolution of waste rock-Laboratory scale. Applied Geochemistry, 89:160-172. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2017.12.007


  • Liu, P., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., Finfrock, Z., Gordon, R.A., 2017. Stabilization of mercury in sediment by biochars under reducing conditions. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 325: 120-128. doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2016.11.033

  • Jamieson-Hanes, J.H., Shrimpton, H.J., Veeramani, H., Ptacek, C.J., Lanzirotti, A., Newville, M., Blowes, D.W., 2017. Evaluating zinc isotope fractionation under sulfate reducing conditions using a flow-through cell and in situ XAS analysis.Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 203: 1-14. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2016.12.034

  • Saurette, E.M., Groza, L.G., Blowes, D.W., Ptacek, C.J., 2017. Storage and preservation of artificial sweeteners in groundwater samples. Ground water Monitoring and Remediation, 37(4):71-81. doi: 10.1111/gwmr.12249

  • Bao, Z., Haberer, C.M., Maier, U., Amos, R.T., Blowes, D.W., Grathwohl, P., 2017. Modeling controls on the chemical weathering of marine mudrocks from the Middle Jurassic in Southern Germany. Chemical Geology, 459: 1-12. doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2017.03.021

  • Langman, J.B., Blowes, D.W., Amos, R.T., Atherton, C., Wilson, D., Smith, L., Sego, D.C., Sinclair, S.A., 2017. Influence of a tundra freeze-thaw cycle on sulfide oxidation and metal leaching in a low sulfur, granitic waste rock. Applied Geochemistry, 76: 9-21. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2016.11.010

  • Liu, P., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., Finfrock, Y.Z., 2017. A beam path-based method for attenuation correction of confocal micro-X-ray fluorescence imaging data. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 32(8): 1582-1589. doi: 10.1039/C7JA00148G

  • Langman, J.B., Veeramani, H., Bailey, B.L., Blowes, D.W., Wilson, D., Smith, L, Sego, D.C., Amos, R.T., Holland, S.P., 2017. Waste rock biogeochemistry in a permafrost environment: Examination of a cover design for a low sulfide, granitic waste rock. Geomicrobiology Journal, 34(8): 656-669. doi: 10.1080/01490451.2016.1238978


  • Sanz-Prat, A., Lu, C., Amos, R.T., Finkel, M., Blowes, D.W., Cirpka, O.A., 2016. Exposure-time based modeling of nonlinear reactive transport in porous media subject to physical and geochemical heterogeneity. J. Contaminant Hydrology, 192: 35-49. doi: 10.1016/j.jconhyd.2016.06.002
  • Liu, P., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., Landis, R.C., 2016. Mechanisms of mercury removal by biochars produced from different feedstocks determined using X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Journal of Hazard Materials, 308(5): 233-242. doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2016.01.007
  • Bailey, B.L., Blowes, D.W., Smith, L., Sego, D.C., 2016. The Diavik Waste Rock Project: Geochemical and microbiological characterization of low sulfide content large-scale waste rock test piles. Applied Geochemistry, 65: 54-72. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2015.10.010


  • Sinclair, S.A., Pham, N., Amos, R.T., Sego, D.C., Smith, L., Blowes, D.W., 2015. Influence of freeze-thaw dynamics on internal geochemical evolution of low sulfide waste rock. Applied Geochemistry, 61: 160-174. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2015.05.017
  • Veeramani, H., Eagling, J., Jamieson-Hanes, J.H., Kong, L., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., 2015. Zinc isotope fractionation as an indicator of geochemical attenuation processes. Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 2(11): 341-319. doi: 10.1021/acs.estlett.5b00273
  • Langman, J.B., Blowes, D.W., Sinclair, S.A., Krentz, A., Amos, R.T., Smith, L.J.D., Pham, H.N., Sego, D.C., Smith, L., 2015. Early evolution of weathering and sulfide depletion of a low-sulfur, granitic, waste rock in an Arctic climate: A laboratory and field site comparison. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 156: 61-71. doi: 10.1016/j.gexplo.2015.05.004
  • Shrimpton, H.K., Blowes, D.W., Ptacek, C.J., 2015. Fractionation of selenium during selenate reduction by granular zero valent iron. Environmental Science & Technology, 49(19): 11688-11696. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.5b01074
  • Smith, L.J., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., Groza, L.G., Moncur, M.C., 2015. Perchlorate in lake water from an operating diamond mine. Environmental Science & Technology, 49(13): 7589-7596. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.5b01111
  • Jamieson-Hanes, J.H., Amos, R.T., Blowes, D.W., Ptacek, C.J., 2015. Dual mechanism conceptual model for Cr isotope fractionation during reduction by zerovalent iron under saturated flow conditions. Environmental Science & Technology 49(9): 5467-5475.doi: 10.1021/es506223a
  • Amos, R.T., Blowes, D.W., Bailey, B.L., Sego, D.C., Smith, L., Ritchie, A.I.M., 2015. Waste-rock hydrogeology and geochemistry. Applied Geochemistry, 57: 140-156. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2014.06.020
  • Langman, J.B., Blowes, D.W., Veeramani, H., Wilson, D., Smith, L., Sego, D.C., Paktunc, D., 2015. The mineral and aqueous phase evolution of sulfur and nickel with weathering of pyrrhotite in a low sulfide, granitic waste rock. Chemical Geology, 401: 169-179. doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2015.02.024
  • Bailey, B.L., Blowes, D.W., Smith, L., Sego, D.C., 2015. The Diavik Waste Rock Project: Geochemical and microbiological characterization of drainage from low-sulfide waste rock: Active zone field experiments. Applied Geochemistry, 62: 18-34. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2015.02.014
  • Desrochers, K.A.N., Paulson, K.M.A., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., Gould, W.D., 2015. Effect of electron donor to sulfate ratio on mercury methylation in floodplain sediments under saturated flow conditions. Geomicrobiology Journal, 32(10): 924-933. doi: 10.1080/01490451.2015.1035818
  • Nordstrom, D.K., Blowes, D.W., Ptacek, C.J., 2015. Hydrogeochemistry and microbiology of mine drainage: An update. Applied Geochemistry, 57: 3-16. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2015.02.008
  • Lindsay, M.B.J., Moncur, M.C., Bain, J.G., Jambor, J.K., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., 2015. Geochemical and mineralogical aspects of sulfide mine tailings. Applied Geochemistry, 57: 157-177. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2015.01.009
  • Gibson, B.D., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., Daugherty, S.D., 2015. Sediment resuspension under variable geochemical conditions and implications for contaminant release. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 15(7): 1644-1656. doi: 10.1007/s11368-015-1106-6
  • Moncur, M.C., Ptacek, C.J., Lindsay, M.B.J., Blowes, D.W., Jambor, J.L., 2015. Long-term mineralogical and geochemical evolution of sulfide-rich mine tailings under a shallow water cover. Applied Geochemistry, 57: 178-193. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2015.01.012
  • Moncur, M.C.,Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., Peterson, R.C., 2015. The occurrence and implications of efflorescent sulfate minerals from the former Sherritt-Gordon Zn-Cu mine. The Canadian Mineralogist, 53(5): 961-977. doi: 10.3749/canmin.1500092
  • Liu, P., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., Berti, W.R., Landis, R.C., 2015. Aqueous leaching of organic acids and dissolved organic carbon for various biochars prepared at different temperatures. Journal of Environmental Quality, 44: 684–695. doi: 10.2134/jeq2014.08.0341
  • Hussain, S.I., Blowes, D.W., Ptacek, C.J., Jamieson-Hanes, J.H., Wooten, B., Balch, G., Higgins, J., 2015. Mechanisms of phosphorus removal in a pilot-scale constructed wetland/BOF slag wastewater treatment system. Environmental Engineering Science, 32(4): 341-352. doi: 10.1089/ees.2014.0376


  • Liu, Y.Y., Blowes, D.W., Groza, L., Sabourin, M.J., Ptacek, C.J., 2014. Acesulfame-K and pharmaceuticals as co-tracers of municipal wastewater in a receiving river. Environ. Sci.: Processes Impacts, 16(12): 2789-2795.  doi: 10.1039/C4EM00237G
  • Hussain, S.I., Blowes, D.W., Ptacek, C.J., Olding, D., 2014. Phosphorus removal from lake water using basic oxygen furnace slag: System performance and characterization of reaction products. Environmental Engineering Science, 31(11): 631-642. doi: 10.1089/ees.2014.0074
  • Jamieson-Hanes, J.H., Lentz, A.M., Amos, R.T., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., 2014. Examination of Cr(VI) treatment mechanisms by in situ, real-time X-ray absorption spectroscopy and Cr isotope measurements. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 142: 299-313. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2014.07.031
  • Jeen, S.W., Bain, J.G., Blowes, D.W., 2014. Evaluation of mixtures of peat, zero-valent iron and alkalinity amendments for treatment of acid rock drainage. Applied Geochemistry, 43: 66-79. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2014.02.004
  • Matthies, R., Sinclair, S.A., Blowes, D.W., 2014. The zinc stable isotope signature of waste rock drainage in the Canadian permafrost region. Applied Geochemistry, 48: 53-57. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2014.06.026
  • Langman, J.B., Moore, M.L., Ptacek, C.J., Smith, L., Sego, D.C., Blowes, D.W., 2014. Diavik Waste Rock Project: Evolution of mineral weathering, element release, and acid generation and neutralization during a five-year humidity cell experiment. Minerals, 4: 257-278. doi: 10.3390/min4020257
  • Linley, S. Liu, Y.Y., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., Gu, F.X., 2014. Recyclable graphene oxide supported titanium dioxide photocatalysts with tunable properties. Applied Materials & Interfaces, 6(7): 4658-4668. doi: 10.1021/am4039272
  • Matthies, R., Krahé, L., Blowes, D.W., 2014. Zinc stable isotope fractionation upon accelerated oxidative weathering of sulfidic mine waste. Science of the Total Environment, 487: 97-101. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2014.04.020
  • Liu, Y.-Y., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., 2014. Treatment of dissolved perchlorate, nitrate, and sulfate using zero-valent iron and organic carbon. Journal of Environmental Quality, 43(3): 842-850. doi: 10.2134/jeq2013.03.0077
  • Moncur, M.C., Ptacek, C.J., Hayashi, M., Birks, S.J., Jambor, J.L., Blowes, D.W., 2014. Seasonal cycling and mass-loading of dissolved metals and sulfate discharging from an abandoned mine site in northern Canada. Applied Geochemistry, 40: 176-188. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2013.12.007


  • Moncur, M.C., Blowes, D.W., Ptacek, C.J., 2013. Pore-water extraction from the unsaturated and saturated zones. Canadian Journal of Earth Science, 50: 1051-1058. doi: 10.1139/cjes-2012-0165
  • Bailey, B.L., Smith, L.J.D., Blowes, D.W., Ptacek, C.J., Smith, L., Sego, D.C., 2013. The Diavik Waste Rock Project: Persistence of contaminants from blasting agents in waste rock effluent. Applied Geochemistry, 36: 256-270. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2012.04.008
  • Chi, X., Amos, R.T., Stastna, M., Blowes, D.W., Sego, D.C., Smith, L., 2013. The Diavik Waste Rock Project: Implications of wind-induced gas transport, Applied Geochemistry, 36: 246-255. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2012.10.015
  • Pham, N.H., Sego, D.C., Arenson, L.U., Blowes, D.W., Amos, R.T., Smith, L., 2013. The Diavik Waste Rock Project: Measurement of the thermal regime of a waste-rock test pile in a permafrost environment, Applied Geochemistry, 36: 234-245. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2013.05.007
  • Neuner, M., Smith, L., Blowes, D.W., Sego, D.C., Smith, L.J.D., Fretz, N., Gupton, M., 2013. The Diavik Waste Rock Project: Water flow though mine waste rock in a permafrost terrain, Applied Geochemistry, 36: 222-233. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2012.03.011
  • Smith, L.J.D., Bailey, B.L., Blowes, D.W., Jambor, J.L., Smith, L., Sego, D.C., 2013. The Diavik Waste Rock Project: Initial geochemical response from a low sulfide waste rock pile, Applied Geochemistry, 36: 210-221. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2012.06.008
  • Smith, L.J.D., Blowes, D.W. , Jambor, J.L., Smith, L., Sego, D.C., Neuner, M., 2013. The Diavik Waste Rock Project: Particle size distribution and sulfur characteristics of low-sulfide waste rock., Applied Geochemistry, 36: 200-209. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2013.05.006
  • Bilardi, S., Amos, R. T., Blowes, D. W., Calabrò, P. S., Moraci, N., 2013. Reactive transport modeling of ZVI column experiments for nickel remediation. Ground Water Monitoring & Remediation, 33: 97-104.  doi: 10.1111/j.1745-6592.2012.01417
  • McDonald, C. M., Gould, W. D., Lindsay, M. B. J., Blowes, D. W., Ptacek, C. J., & Condon, P. D., 2013. Assessing cellulolysis in passive treatment systems for mine drainage: A modified enzyme assay. Journal of Environmental Quality, 42: 48-55.  doi: 10.2134/jeq2012.0124


  • Gibson, B.D., Blowes, D.W., Lindsay, M.B.J., Ptacek, C.J., 2012. Mechanistic investigations of Se(VI) treatment in anoxic groundwater using granular iron and organic carbon. An EXAFS study. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 241-242(11): 92-100. doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2012.09.015
  • Jamieson-Hanes, J.H., Amos, R.T., Blowes, D.W., 2012. Reactive transport modelling of Chromium isotope fractionation during Cr(VI) reduction. Environmental Science and Technology, 46: 13311-13316. doi: 10.1021/es3046235
  • Parviainen, A., Lindsay, M.B.J., Pérez-López, R., Gibson, B.D., Ptacek, C.J.,Blowes, D.W., Loukola-Ruskeeniemi, K., 2012. Arsenic attenuation in tailings at a former Cu-W-As mine, SW Finland. Applied Geochemistry, 27(12): 2289-2299. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2012.07.022
  • Amos, R.T., Bekins, B.A., Cozzarelli, I.M., Voytek, M.A., Kirshtein, J.D., Jones, E.J.P., Blowes, D.W., 2012. Evidence for iron-mediated anaerobic methane oxidation in a crude oil contaminated aquifer. Geobiology, 10(6): 506-517.  doi: 10.1111/j.1472-4669.2012.00341
  • Jeen, S.-W., Amos, R.T., Blowes, D.W., 2012. Modeling gas formation and mineral precipitation in a granular iron column. Environmental Science & Technology, 46: 6742–6749.
  • Jamieson-Hanes, J. H., Gibson, B. D., Lindsay, M.B.J., Kim, Y., Ptacek, C. J., Blowes, D.W., 2012. Chromium isotope fractionation during reduction of Cr(VI) under saturated flow conditions. Environmental Science & Technology, 46: 6783-6789. doi: 10.1021/es2042383
  • Neuner, M., Smith, L., Blowes, D.W., Sego, D.C., Smith, L.J.D., Fretz, N., Gupton, M., 2012. Diavik waste rock project: Water flow through mine waste rock in a permafrost terrain. Applied Geochemistry, 36: 222-233. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2012.03.011
  • Stotler, R.L., Frape, S.K., Ruskeeniemi, T., Pitkänen, P., Blowes, D.W., 2012. The interglacial-glacial cycle and geochemical evolution of Canadian and Fennoscandian Shield groundwaters. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 76: 45-67. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2011.10.006


  • Gibson, B.D., Ptacek, C.J., Lindsay, M.B.J., Blowes, D.W., 2011. Examining mechanisms of groundwater Hg(II) treatment by reactive materials: An EXAFS study. Environmental Science & Technology, 45: 10415-10421. doi: 10.1021/es202253h
  • Lindsay, M.B.J., Blowes, D.W., Condon, P.D., Ptacek, C.J., 2011. Organic carbon amendments for passive in situ treatment of mine drainage: Field experiments. Applied Geochemistry, 26: 1169-1183. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2011.04.006
  • Lindsay, M.B.J., Blowes, D.W., Ptacek, C.J., Condon, P.D., 2011. Transport and attenuation of metal(loid)s in mine tailings amended with organic carbon: Column experiments. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 125: 26-38. doi: 10.1016/j.jconhyd.2011.04.004
  • Amos, R.T., Bekins, B.A., Delin, G.N., Cozzarelli, I.M., Blowes, D.W., Kirshtein, J.D., 2011. Methane oxidation in a crude oil contaminated aquifer: Delineation of aerobic reactions at the plume fringes. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 125: 13-25. doi: 10.1016/j.jconhyd.2011.04.003
  • Gibson, B.D., Amos, R.T., Blowes, D.W., 2011. 34S/32S Fractionation during sulfate reduction in groundwater treatment systems: Reactive transport modeling. Environmental Science & Technology, 45: 2863-2870. doi: 10.1021/es1038276
  • Lindsay, M.B.J., Wakeman, K.D., Rowe, O.F., Grail, B.M., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., Johnson, D.B., 2011. Microbiology and geochemistry of mine tailings amended with organic carbon for passive treatment of pore water. Geomicrobiology Journal, 28: (3) 229-241. doi: 10.1080/01490451.2010.493570


  • Stimson, J., Chae, G.-T., Ptacek, C.J., Emelko, M.B., Mesquita, M.M., Hirata, R.A., Blowes, D.W., 2010. Basic oxygen furnace slag as a treatment material for pathogens: Contribution of inactivation and attachment in virus attenuation. Water Research, 44: 1150-1157. doi: 10.1016/j.watres.2009.11.054
  • Mesquita, M.M.F., Stimson, J., Chae, G.-T., Tufjenki, N., Ptacek C.J., Blowes, D.W., Emelko, M.B., 2010. Optimal preparation and purification of PRD1-like bacteriophages for use in environmental fate and transport studies. Water Reserach, 44(4): 1114-1125. doi: 10.1016/j.watres.2009.11.017


  • Amos, R.T., Blowes, D.W., Smith, L., Sego, D.C., 2009. Measurement of wind induced pressure gradients in a waste rock pile. Vadose Zone Journal, 8(4): 953-962. doi: 10.2136/vzj2009.0002
  • Lindsay, M.B.J., Condon, P.D., Jambor, J.L., Lear, K.G., Blowes, D.W., Ptacek, C.J., 2009. Mineralogical, geochemical and microbial investigation of a sulfide-rich tailings deposit characterized by neutral drainage. Applied Geochemistry, 24: 2212-2221. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2009.09.012
  • Moncur, M.C., Jambor, J.L., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., 2009. Mine drainage from the oxidation of sulfide minerals and magnetite in mine wastes. Applied Geochemistry, 24: 2362-2373. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2009.09.013
  • Gui, L., Jeen, S-W., Blowes, D.W., Gillham, R.W., Yang, Y.-Q., 2009. Reduction of chromate by granular iron in the presence of dissolved CaCO3. Applied Geochemistry, 24: 2208-2210. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2008.12.019
  • Guo, Q.F., Blowes, D.W., 2009. Biogeochemistry of two types of permeable reactive materials, organic carbon and iron-bearing organic carbon: column experiments. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 107: 128-139. doi: 10.1016/j.jconhyd.2009.04.008
  • Ludwig, R.D., Smyth, D.J.A., Blowes, D.W., Spink, L.E., Wilkin, R.T., Jewett, D.G., Weisener, C.J., 2009. Treatment of arsenic, heavy metals, and acidity using a mixed ZVI-compost PRB. Environmental Science & Technology, 43: 1970-1976. doi: 10.1021/es802394p
  • Lindsay, M.B.J., Blowes, D.W., Condon, P.D., Ptacek, C.J., 2009. Managing pore-water quality in mine tailings by inducing microbial sulfate reduction. Environmental Science & Technology, 43: 7086-7091. doi: 10.1021/es901524z
  • Ardau, C., Blowes, D.W., Ptacek, C.J., 2009. Comparison of laboratory testing protocols to field observations of the weathering of sulfide-bearing mine tailings. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 100: 182-191. doi: 10.1016/j.gexplo.2008.06.005
  • Gui, L., Yang, Y-Q., Jeen, S-W., Gillham, R.W., Blowes, D.W., 2009. Reduction of chromate by granular iron in the presence of dissolved CaCO3. Applied Geochemistry, 24: 677-686.
  • Sasaki, K., Blowes, D.W., Ptacek, C.J., 2009. Spectroscopic study of precipitates formed during the removal of selenium from mine drainage using permeable reactive materials. Geochemical Journal, 42:283-294. doi: 10.2343/geochemj.42.283

Dr. Carol Ptacek


  • Atherton, C., Wilson, D., Holland, S.P., Raymond, K.E., Barsi, D.R., Zak, J., Smith, L., Sego, D.C., Amos, R.T., Paktunc, D., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W. 2025. Diavik Waste Rock Project: Post-emplacement investigation of sulfide weathering from a deconstructed experimental waste-rock pile. Applied Geochemistry. 181: 106293. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2025.106293

  • Feng, Y., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., Gan, Y., Xie, X., Fonfrock, Z., Liu, P. 2025. Interactions between phosphate and arsenic in iron/biochar-treated groundwater: Corrosion control insights from column experiments. Water Research. 273; 123072. doi: 10.1016/j.watres.2024.123072


  • Hussain, S.I., Blowes, D.W., Ptacek, C.J., Wootton, B.C., Balch, G., Higgins, J. 2024. Wastewater Treatment for Nutrients and Pathogens in a Demonstration-Scale Outdoor Constructed Wetland System. Water. 16(15): 2198. doi: 10.3390/w16152198

  • Verbuyst, B.R., Pakostova, E.P., Paktunc, D., Bain, J.G., Saurette, E.M., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., 2024. Microbiological and geochemical characterization of As-bearing tailings and underlying sediments, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 266: 133554. doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2024.133554

  • Shrimpton, H.K., Ptacek, C.P., Blowes, D.W. 2024. Selenite stable isotope fractionation during abiotic reduction by sodium sulfide. Environmental Science and Technology. 58(30): 13490–13497. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.4c03607

  • Liu, Y.Y., Digaletos, M., Thomas, J.L., Ptacek, C.J. 2024. Active and passive sampling techniques in headwater streams to characterize acesulfame-K, pharmaceutical and phosphorus contamination from on-site wastewater disposal systems in Canadian rural hamlets. Science of the Total Environment. 956: 177194. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.177194

  • Zhang, A., Wilson, D., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W. 2024. Reactive transport modelling of tailings
    hydrogeochemistry under a composite cover. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology. 261: 104290. doi: 10.1016/j.jconhyd.2023.10429


  • Sapkota, B.R., Verbuyst, B., Bain, J.G., Ptacek C.J., Blowes D.W., Al, T.A., 2023. Geochemical and mineralogical investigation of cemented crusts in the tailings cover at Long Lake Gold Mine, Sudbury, Canada. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 451: 131192. doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2023.131192

  • Zhang, A., Bain, J.G., Schmall, A., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., 2023. Geochemistry and mineralogy of legacy tailings under a composite cover, Applied, Geochemistry 159: 105819. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2023.108159

  • Hussain, S.I., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., Liu, Y., Wootton, B.C., Balch, G., Higgins, J., 2023. Transport and attenuation of an artificial sweetener and six pharmaceutical compounds in a sequenced wetland-steel slag wastewater treatment system. Water, 15(15): 2835. doi: 10.3390/w15152835
  • Digaletos, M., Ptacek, C.J., Thomas, J., Liu, Y.Y., 2023. Chemical and biological tracers to identify source and transport pathways of septic system contamination to streams in areas with low permeability soils. Science of The total Environment, 870: 161866. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.161866
  • Bao, Z., Wilson, D., Bain, J.G., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., 2023. Delineation of the spatial variability of carbonate and sulfide minerals in mine waste-rock piles using geostatistics. Minerals Engineering, 191: 107978. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2022.107978
  • Zhang, A., Bain, J.G., Schmall, A., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., 2023. Seasonal hydrology and gas transport in a composite cover on sulfide tailings. Canadian Geotechnical Journal. Just-IN. doi: 10.1139/cgj-2022-0606
  • Bailey, B.L., Amos, R.T., Blowes, D.W., Moore, M.L., Ptacek, C.J., Smith, L., Sego, D.C., 2023. Diavik wasterock project, Northwest Territories, Canada: Predicting field-scale waste-rock drainage quality from humidity-cell experiments. Economic Geology, 118(3): 585-597. doi: 10.5382/econgeo.4932
  • Bao, Z., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., 2023. Extracting resources from abandoned mines: Recovering minerals and metals from abandoned mines could aid decarbonization. Science, 381(6659):731-732. doi: 10.1126/science.abn5962


  • Blume, O., Guitard, E., Crann, C., Orekhov, M., Amos, R.T., Clark, I., Lapen, D., Blowes, D.W., Ptacek, C.J., Craiovan, E., Sunohara, M., 2022. Relationships between carbon age and CO₂ efflux in agricultural and drainage ditch soils using the thermonuclear bomb pulse. Vadose Zone Journal, 21(5):e20208.doi: 10.1002/vzj2.20208
  • Pakostova E., McAlary M., Marshall S., McGarry S., Ptacek C.J., Blowes D.W., 2022. Microbiology of a multi-layer biosolid/desulfurized tailings cover on a mill tailings impoundment. Journal of Environmental Management, 302: 114030.doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.114030
  • Liu Y., Ptacek C.J., Groza L.G., Staples R., Blowes D.W., 2022. Occurrence and distribution of emerging contaminants in mine-impacted lake water and potential use as co-tracers of anthropogenic activity in the subarctic region, Northwest Territories, Canada. Environmental Research, 207: 112034. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2021.112034
  • Liu Y., Ptacek C.J., Beauchemin S., MacKinnon T., Blowes D.W., 2022. Effect of composting and amendment with biochar and woodchips on the fate and leachability of pharmaceuticals in biosolids destined for land application. Science of the Total Environment, 810: 151193. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.151193
  • Angai, J.U., Ptacek, C.J., Pakostova, E., Bain, J.G., Verbuyst, B.R., Blowes D.W., 2022. Removal of arsenic and metals from groundwater impacted by mine waste using zero-valent iron and organic carbon: Laboratory column experiments. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 424: 127295. . doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2021.127295
  • Parigi, R., Pakostova, E., Reid, J.W., Saurette, E.M., McBeth, J.M., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., 2022. Nickel isotope fractionation as an indicator of Ni sulfide precipitation associated with microbially mediated sulfate reduction. Environmental Science & Technology, 56(12): 7954–7962. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.2c00523
  • Saurette, E.M., Finfrock, Y.Z., Verburyst, B., Blowes, D.W., McBeth, J.M., Ptacek, C.J., 2022. Improved precision in As speciation analysis with HERFD-XANES at the As K-edge: The case of As speciation in mine waste. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 29(5): 1198-1208. doi: 10.1107/S1600577523006069
  • Bao, Z., Al T., Bain, J.G., Shrimpton, H.K., Finfrock, Y.Z., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., 2022. Sphalerite weathering and controls on Zn and Cd migration in mine waste rock: An integrated study from the molecular scale to the field scale. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 318, 1-18. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2021.11.007
  • Parigi R., Chen N., Reid J.W., Ptacek C.J., Blowes D.W., 2022. Nickel isotope fractionation during precipitation of Ni secondary minerals and synchrotron-based analysis of the precipitates. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 317, 91-105. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2021.10.027
  • Bao, Z., Bain, J.G., Holland, S.P., Wilson, D., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., 2022. Hydrogeochemical Response of a Variably Saturated Sulfide-Bearing Mine Waste-Rock Pile to Precipitation: A Field-Scale Study in the Discontinuous Permafrost Region of Northern Canada. Water Resources Research, 58(1): e2021WR031082. doi: 10.1029/2021WR031082
  • Parigi, R., Chen, N., Liu, P., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., 2022. Mechanisms of Ni removal from contaminated groundwater by calcite using X-ray absorption spectroscopy and Ni isotope measurements. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 440: 129679. doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2022.129679
  • Tang, J., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., Liu, Y., Feng, Y., Finfrock, Y.Z., Liu, P., 2022. Mercury adsorption kinetics on sulfurized biochar and solid-phase digestion using aqua regia: A synchrotron-based study. Chemical Engineering Journal, 428: 131362. doi: 10.1016/j.cej.2021.131362
  • Bao, Z., Bain, J.G., Saurette, E., Zou Finfrock, Y., Hu, Y., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., 2022. Mineralogy-dependent sulfide oxidation via polysulfide and thiosulfate pathways during weathering of mixed-sulfide bearing mine waste rock. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 317, 523-537. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2021.10.012


  • Craig, A.T., Shkarupin, A., Amos, R.T., Lindsay, M.B.J., Blowes, D.W., Ptacek, C.J., 2021. Reactive transport modelling of porewater geochemistry and sulfur isotope fractionation in organic carbon amended mine tailings. Applied Geochemistry, 127:104904.doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2021.104904

  •  Bao, Z., Al, T., Couillard, M., Poirier, G., Bain, J.G., Shrimpton, H.K., Finfrock, Y.Z., Lanzirotti, A., Paktunc, D., Saurette, E., Hu, Y., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., 2021. A cross scale investigation of galena oxidation and controls on mobilization of lead in mine waste rock. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 412: 125130. doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2021.125130

  • Wang. A.O., Ptacek, C.J., Mack, E.E., Blowes, D.W., 2021. Impact of multiple drying and rewetting events on biochar amendments for Hg stabilization in floodplain soil from South River, VA. Chemosphere, 262: 127794. doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.127794

  • Rakhimbekova, S., O'Carroll, D.M., Oldfield, L.E., Ptacek, C.J., Robinson, C.E., 2021. Spatiotemporal controls on septic system derived nutrients in a nearshore aquifer and their discharge to a large lake. Science of the Total Environment, 752: 141262. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.141262

  • Hussain S.I., Phillips L.A., Hu Y., Frey S.K., Geuder D.S., Edwards M., Lapen D.R., Ptacek C.J., Blowes D.W., 2021. Differences in phosphorus biogeochemistry and mediating microorganisms in the matrix and macropores of an agricultural clay loam soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 161: 108365. doi: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2021.108365


  • Liu, P., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., Finfrock, Y.Z., Liu, Y.Y., 2020. Characterization of chromium species and distribution during Cr (VI) removal by biochar using confocal micro-X-ray fluorescence redox mapping and X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Environment International, 134: 105216. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2019.105216

  • Wang, A.O., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., Finfrock, Y.Z., Paktunc, D., Mack, E.E., 2020. Use of hardwood and sulfurized-hardwood biochars as amendments to floodplain soil from South River, VA, USA: Impacts of drying-rewetting on Hg removal. Science of the Total Environment, 712: 136018. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.136018

  • Wang, A.O., Ptacek, C.J., Paktunc, D., Mack, E.E., Blowes, D.W., 2020. Application of biochar prepared from ethanol refinery by-products for Hg stabilization in floodplain soil: Impacts of drying and rewetting. Environmental Pollution, 267: 115396. doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2020.115396

  • McNeill, B.J., Pakostova, E., Bain, J.G., Gould, W.D., Amos, R.T., Wilson, G.W., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., 2020. Microbial community structure within a weathered waste-rock pile overlain by a monolayer soil cover. Applied Geochemistry, 114: 104531. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2020.104531

  • Stonebridge, J., Baldwin, R., Thomson, N.R., Ptacek, C.J., 2020. Fluoride-selective electrode as a tool to evaluate the degradation of PFAS in groundwater: a bench-scale investigation. Groundwater Monitoring and Remediation, 40(2): 73-80. doi: 10.1111/gwmr.12374

  • Bao, Z., Blowes, D.W., Ptacek, C.J.,Bain, J.G., Holland, S.P., Wilson, D., Wilson, W., MacKenzie, P., 2020. Faro Waste Rock Project: Characterizing variability saturated flow behaviour through full-scale waste-rock dumps in the continental sub-arctic region of Northern Canada using field measurements and stable isotopes of water. Water Resource Research, 56(3): e2019WR026374. doi: 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2019.08.001

  • Pakostova, E., Johnson, D.B., Bao, Z., MacKenzie, P.M., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., 2020. Bacterial and archaeal diversity in sulfide-bearing waste rock at Faro Mine Complex, Yukon Territory, Canada. Geomicrobiology Journal, 37(6): 511-519. doi: 10.1080/01490451.2020.1731020

  • Liu, W., Feng, Y., Zhong, H., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., Liu, Y.Y., Finfrock, Z., Liu, P., Wang, S., 2020. Aqua regia digestion cannot completely extract Hg from biochar: A synchrotron-based study. Environmental Pollution, 265: 115002. doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2020.115002

  • Liu, Y., Ptacek, C.J., Baldwin, R., Cooper, J., Blowes, D.W., 2020. Application of zero-valent iron coupled with biochar for removal of perfluoroalkyl carboxylic and sulfonic acids from water under ambient environmental conditions. Science of the Total Environment, 719: 137372. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.137372

  • Tanna, R.N., Moncur, M.C., Birks, S.J., Gibson, J.J., Ptacek, C.J., Mayer, B., Wieser, M.E., Wrona, F.J., Munkittrick, K.R., 2020. Utility of a multi-tracer approach as a component of adaptive monitoring for municipal wastewater impacts. Water Quality Research Journal, 55(3): 327–341. doi: 10.2166/wqrj.2020.004

  • Bao, Z., Bain, J.G., Holland, S.P., Wilson, D., MacKenzie, P., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., 2020. Faro waste rock project: Characterizing geochemical heterogeneity in sulfide- and carbonate-rich waste rock. Applied Geochemistry, 121: 104691. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2020.104691

  • Pakostova, E., Schmall, A.J., Holland, S.P., White, H., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., 2020. Performance of a geosynthetic clay-liner cover system at a Cu/Zn mine tailings impoundment. Applied and Environmental Microbiology Journal, 6(8): 2846. doi: 10.1128/AEM.02846-19


  • Liu, P., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., Finfrock, Y.Z., Steinepreis, M., Budimir, F., 2019. A method for redox mapping by confocal micro-X-ray fluorescence imaging: Using chromium species in a biochar particle as an example. Analitical Chemistry, 91(8): 5142-5149. doi: 10.1021/acs.analchem.8b05718

  • Liu, Y., Blowes, D.W., Ptacek, C.J., Groza, L.G., 2019. Removal of pharmaceutical compounds, artificial sweeteners, and perfluoroalkyl substances from water using a passive treatment system containing zero-valent iron and biochar. Science of the Total Environment, 691: 165-177. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.06.450

  • Liu, P., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., 2019. Release of nutrients and trace elements from wood-, agricultural residue-and manure-based biochars. International Journal of Environmental Research, 13(4): 747-758. doi: 10.1007/s41742-019-00209-5

  • Liu, P., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., 2019. Mercury complexation with dissolved organic matter released from thirty-six types of biochar. B. Environmental Contaminant Toxicology, 103(1): 175-180. doi: 10.1007/s00128-018-2397-2

  • Langman, J.B., Sinclair, S., Amos, R.T., Wilson, D., Ptacek, C.J., Sego, D.C., Smith, L., Blowes, D.W., 2019. Alkalinity generation from weathering of accessory calcite and apatite and acid drainage neutralization in an Archean granitoid waste rock, Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 205: 106341. doi: 10.1016/j.gexplo.2019.106341

  • Liu, P., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., Finfrock, Y.Z., 2019. Mercury distribution and speciation in biochar particles reacted with contaminated sediment up to 1030 days: A synchrotron-based study. Science of the Total Environment, 662: 915-922. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.01.148

  • Hussain, S.I., Frey, S.K., Blowes, D.W., Ptacek, C.J., Wilson, D., Mayer, K.U., Su, D., Gottschall, N., Edwards, M., Lapen, D.R., 2019. Reactive transport of manure-derived nitrogen in the vadose zone: Consideration of macropore connectivity to subsurface receptors. Vadose Zone Journal, 18(1): 1-18. doi: 10.2136/vzj2019.01.0002

  • Lazareva, O., Sparks, D.L., Landis, R., Ptacek, C.J., Ma, J., 2019. Investigation of legacy industrial mercury in floodplain soils: South River, Virginia, USA. Environmental Earth Sciences, 78(8): 246. doi: 10.1007/s12665-019-8253-9

  • Liu, Y.Y., Blowes, D.W., Ptacek, C.J., 2019. Data on removal kinetics of pharmaceutical compounds, artificial sweeteners, and perfluoroalkyl substances from water using a passive treatment system containing zerovalent iron and biochar. Data in Brief, 27: 104569. doi: org/10.1016/j.dib.2019.104569

  • Wang., A.O., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., Gibson, B.D., Landis, R.D., Dyer, J.A., Ma, J., 2019. Application of hardwood biochar as a reactive capping mat to stabilize mercury derived from contaminated floodplain soil and riverbank sediments. Science of the Total Environment, 652: 549-561. doi: /10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.10.213


  • Paulson, K.M.A., Ptacek C.J., Blowes, D.W., Gould, W.D., Ma, J., Landis, R.C., Dyer, J.A., 2018. Role of organic carbon sources and sulfate in controlling net methylmercury production in riverbank sediments of the South River, VA (USA).  Geomicrobiology Journal, 35, 1-14.  doi: 10.1080/01490451.2016.1247483

  • Liu, P., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., Gould, W.D., 2018. Control of mercury and methylmercury in contaminated sediments using biochars: A long-term microcosm study. Applied Geochemistry, 92: 30-44. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2018.02.004

  • Liu, P., Ptacek, C.J., Elena, K.M.A., Blowes, D.W., Gould, W.D., Finfrock, Y.Z., Wang, A.O., Landis, R.C., 2018. Evaluation of mercury stabilization mechanisms by sulfurized biochars determined using X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 347:114-122. doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2017.12.051

  • Shrimpton, H.K., Jamieson-Hanes, J.H., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., 2018. Real-time XANES measurement of Se reduction by zerovalent iron in a flow-through cell, and accompanying Se isotope measurements. Environmental Science & Technology, 52(16): 9304-9310. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.8b00079

  • Wilson, D., Amos, R.T., Blowes, D.W., Langman, J.B., Ptacek, C.J., Smith, L., Sego, D.C., 2018. Diavik waste rock project: A conceptual model for temperature and sulfide-content dependent geochemical evolution of waste rock – Laboratory scale. Applied Geochemistry, 89:160-172. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2017.12.007


  • Lima, A.T., Hofmann, A., Reynolds, D., Ptacek, C.J., Van Cappellen, P., Ottosen, L.M., Pamukcu, S., Alshawabekh, A., O'Carroll, D.M., Riis, C., Cox, E., Gent, D.B., Landis, R., Wang, J., Chowdhury, A.I.A., Secord, E.L., Sanchez-Hachair, A., 2017. Environmental electrokinetics for a sustainable subsurface. Chemosphere, 181:122-133. doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2017.03.143

  • Liu, P., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., Finfrock, Y.Z., Gordon, R.A., 2017. Stabilization of mercury in sediment by using biochars under reducing conditions. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 325:120-128. doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2016.11.033

  • Liu, P., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., Finfrock, Y.Z., 2017. A beam path-based method for attenuation correction of confocal X-ray micro-fluorescence imaging data. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 32: 1582-1589. doi: 10.1039/C7JA00148G

  • Arlos, M.J., Liang, R., Fong, L.C.M.L.C., Zhou, N.Y., Ptacek, C.J., Andrews, S.A., Servos, M.R., 2017. Influence of methanol when used as a water-miscible carrier of pharmaceuticals in TiO2 photocatalytic degradation experiments. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 5:4497-4504. doi:10.1016/j.jece.2017.08.048

  • Hebig, K.H., Groza, L.G., Sabourin, M.J., Scheytt, T.J., Ptacek, C.J., 2017. Transport behavior of the pharmaceutical compounds carbamazepine, sulfamethoxazole, gemfibrozil, ibuprofen, and naproxen, and the lifestyle drug caffeine, in saturated laboratory columns. Science of the Total Environment, 590: 708-719. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.03.031

  • Jamieson-Hanes, J.H., Shrimpton, H.K.,Veeramani, H., Ptacek, C.J., Lanzirotti, A., Newville, M., Blowes, D.W., 2017. Evaluating zinc isotope fractionation under sulfate reducing conditions using a flow-through cell and in situ XAS analysis. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 203: 1-14. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2016.12.034

  • Saurette, E.M., Groza, L.G., Blowes, D.W., Ptacek, C.J., 2017. Storage and preservation of artificial sweeteners in groundwater samples. Groundwater Monitoring and Remediation, 37(4): 71-81. doi: 10.1111/gwmr.12249


  • Liu, P., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., Landis, R.C., 2016. Mechanisms of mercury removal by biochars produced from different feedstocks determined using X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 308:233-242. doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2016.01.007


  • Shrimpton, H.K., Blowes, D.W., Ptacek, C.J., 2015. Fractionation of selenium during selenate reduction by granular zero valent iron. Environmental Science & Technology, 49(19): 11688-11696. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.5b01074

  • Smith, L.J., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., Groza, L.G., Moncur, M.C., 2015. Perchlorate in lake water from an operating diamond mine. Environmental Science & Technology, 49(13): 7589-7596. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.5b01111

  • Veeramani, H., Eagling, J., Jamieson-Hanes, J.H., Kong, L., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., 2015. Zinc isotope fractionation as an indicator of geochemical attenuation processes. Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 2(11): 341-319. doi: 10.1021/acs.estlett.5b00273

  • Moncur, M.C.,Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., Peterson, R.C., 2015. The occurrence and implications of efflorescent sulfate minerals from the former Sherritt-Gordon Zn-Cu mine. The Canadian Mineralogist, 53(5): 961-977. doi: 10.3749/canmin.1500092

  • Jamieson-Hanes, J.H., Amos, R.T., Blowes, D.W., Ptacek, C.J., 2015. Dual mechanism conceptual model for Cr isotope fractionation during reduction by zerovalent iron under saturated flow conditions. Environmental Science & Technology, 49(9): 5467-5475. doi: 10.1021/es506223a

  • Desrochers, K.A.N., Paulson, K.M.A., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., Gould, W.D., 2015. Effect of electron donor to sulfate ratio on mercury methylation in floodplain sediments under saturated flow conditions. Geomicrobiology Journal, 32(10): 924-933. doi: 10.1080/01490451.2015.1035818

  • Nordstrom, D.K., Blowes, D.W., Ptacek, C.J., 2015. Hydrogeochemistry and microbiology of mine drainage: An update. Applied Geochemistry, 57: 3-16. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2015.02.008

  • Lindsay, M.B.J., Moncur, M.C., Bain, J.G., Jambor, J.K., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., 2015. Geochemical and mineralogical aspects of sulfide mine tailings. Applied Geochemistry, 57: 157-177. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2015.01.009

  • Moncur, M.C., Paktunc, D., Birks, S.J., Ptacek, C.J., Welsh, B., Thibault, Y., 2015. Source and distribution of naturally occurring arsenic in groundwater from Alberta’s Southern Oil Sands Region. Applied Geochemistry, 62: 171-185. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2015.02.015

  • Gibson, B.D., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., Daugherty, S.D., 2015. Sediment resuspension under variable geochemical conditions and implications for contaminant release. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 15(7): 1644-1656. doi: 10.1007/s11368-015-1106-6

  • Moncur, M.C., Ptacek, C.J., Lindsay, M.B.J., Blowes, D.W., Jambor, J.L., 2015. Long-term mineralogical and geochemical evolution of sulfide-rich mine tailings under a shallow water cover. Applied Geochemistry, 57: 178-193. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2015.01.012

  • Liu, P., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., Berti, W.R., Landis, R.C., 2015. Aqueous leaching of organic acids and dissolved organic carbon for various biochars prepared at different temperatures. Journal of Environmental Quality, 44: 684–695. doi: 10.2134/jeq2014.08.0341

  • Hussain, S.I., Blowes, D.W., Ptacek, C.J., Jamieson-Hanes, J.H., Wooten, B., Balch, G., Higgins, J., 2015. Mechanisms of phosphorus removal in a pilot-scale constructed wetland/BOF slag wastewater treatment system. Environmental Engineering Science, 32(4): 341-352. doi: 10.1089/ees.2014.0376


  • Liu, Y.Y., Blowes, D.W., Groza, L., Sabourin, M.J., Ptacek, C.J., 2014. Acesulfame-K and pharmaceuticals as co-tracers of municipal wastewater in a receiving river. Environmental Science: Processes and Impacts, 16(12): 2789-2795. doi: 10.1039/C4EM00237G

  • Jamieson-Hanes, J.H., Lentz, A.M., Amos, R.T., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., 2014. Examination of Cr(VI) treatment mechanisms by in situ, real-time X-ray absorption spectroscopy and Cr isotope measurements. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 142: 299-313. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2014.07.031

  • Hussain, S.I., Blowes, D.W., Ptacek, C.J., Olding, D., 2014. Phosphorus removal from lake water using basic oxygen furnace slag: System performance and characterization of reaction products. Environmental Engineering Science, 31(11): 631-642. doi: 10.1089/ees.2014.0074

  • Linley, S. Liu, Y.Y., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., Gu, F.X., 2014. Recyclable graphene oxide supported titanium dioxide photocatalysts with tunable properties. Appl. Materials & Interfaces, 6(7): 4658-4668. doi: 10.1021/am4039272

  • Langman, J.B., Moore, M.L., Ptacek, C.J., Smith, L., Sego, D.C., Blowes, D.W., 2014. Diavik Waste Rock Project: Evolution of mineral weathering, element release, and acid generation and neutralization during a five-year humidity cell experiment. Minerals, 4: 257-278. doi: 10.3390/min4020257

  • Liu, Y.-Y., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., 2014. Treatment of dissolved perchlorate, nitrate, and sulfate using zero-valent iron and organic carbon. Journal of Environmental Quality, 43(3): 842-850. doi: 10.2134/jeq2013.03.0077

  • Moncur, M.C., Ptacek, C.J., Hayashi, M., Birks, S.J., Jambor, J.L., Blowes, D.W., 2014. Seasonal cycling and mass-loading of dissolved metals and sulfate discharging from an abandoned mine site in northern Canada. Applied Geochemistry, 40: 176-188. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2013.12.007


  • Moncur, M.C., Blowes, D.W., Ptacek, C.J., 2013. Pore-water extraction from the unsaturated and saturated zones. Canadian Journal of Earth Science, 50: 1051-1058. doi: 10.1139/cjes-2012-0165

  • Bailey, B.L., Smith, L.J.D., Blowes, D.W., Ptacek, C.J., Smith, L., Sego, D.C., 2013. The Diavik waste rock project: Persistence of contaminants from blasting agents in waste rock effluent. Applied Geochemistry, 36: 256-270. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2012.04.008

  • McDonald, C.M., Gould, W.D., Lindsay, M.B.J., Blowes, D.W., Ptacek, C.J., Condon, P.D., 2013. Assessing cellulolysis in passive treatment systems for mine drainage: A modified enzyme assay. Journal of Environmental Quality, 42: 48-55. doi: 10.2134/jeq2012.0124


  •  Gibson, B.D., Blowes, D.W., Lindsay, M.B.J., Ptacek, C.J., 2012. Mechanistic investigations of Se(VI) treatment in anoxic groundwater using granular iron and organic carbon. An EXAFS study. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 241-242: 92-100. doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2012.09.015

  • Jamieson-Hanes, J.H., Gibson, B.D., Lindsay, M. B. J., Kim, Y., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., 2012. Chromium isotope fractionation during reduction of Cr(VI) under saturated flow conditions. Environmental Science & Technology, 46: 6783-6789. doi: 10.1021/es2042383

  • Parviainen, A., Lindsay, M.B.J., Pérez-López, R., Gibson, B.D., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., Loukola-Ruskeeniemi, K., 2012. Arsenic attenuation in tailings at a former Cu-W-As mine, SW Finland. Applied Geochemistry, 27, 2289-2299. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2012.07.022


  •  Gibson, B.D., Ptacek, C.J., Lindsay, M.B.J., Blowes, D.W., 2011. Examining mechanisms of groundwater Hg(II) treatment by reactive materials: An EXAFS study. Environmental Science & Technology, 45: 10415-10421. doi: 10.1021/es202253h

  • Lindsay, M.B.J., Blowes, D.W., Ptacek, C.J., Condon, P.D., 2011. Transport and attenuation of metal(loid)s in mine tailings amended with organic carbon: Column experiments. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 125: 26-38. doi: 10.1016/j.jconhyd.2011.04.004

  • Lindsay, M.B.J., Blowes, D.W., Condon, P.D., Ptacek, C.J., 2011. Organic carbon amendments for passive in situ treatment of mine drainage: Field experiments. Applied Geochemistry, 26: 1169-1183. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2011.04.006

  • Lindsay, M.B.J., Wakeman, K.D., Rowe, O.F., Grail, B.M., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., Johnson, D.B., 2011. Microbiology and geochemistry of mine tailings amended with organic carbon for passive treatment of pore water. Geomicrobiology Journal, 28: 229-241. doi: 10.1080/01490451.2010.493570

  • Scheytt, T., Beyer, J., Ptacek, C.J., 2011. Vorkommen von Perchlorat in Oberflächen-, Grund- und Bodenwasser in Deutschland (Occurrence of perchlorate in soil, ground and surface water in Germany). Grundwasser (Springer), 16(1): 37-43. doi: 10.1007/s00767-010-0159-0


  •  Stimson, J., Chae, G.-T., Ptacek, C.J., Emelko, M.B., Mesquita, M.M., Hirata, R.A., Blowes, D.W., 2010. Basic oxygen furnace slag as a treatment material for pathogens: Contribution of inactivation and attachment in virus attenuation. Water Resources, 44: 1150-1157. doi: 10.1016/j.watres.2009.11.054

  • Mesquita, M.M.F., Stimson, J., Chae, G.-T., Tufjenki, N., Ptacek C.J., Blowes, D.W., Emelko, M.B., 2010. Optimal preparation and purification of PRD1-like bacteriophages for use in environmental fate and transport studies. Water Reserach, 44(4): 1114-1125. doi: 10.1016/j.watres.2009.11.017


  •  Moncur, M.C., Jambor, J.L., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W., 2009. Mine drainage from the oxidation of sulfide minerals and magnetite in mine wastes. Applied Geochemistry, 24: 2362-2373. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2009.09.013

  • Lindsay, M.B.J., Condon, P.D., Jambor, J.L., Lear, K.G., Blowes, D.W., Ptacek, C.J., 2009. Mineralogical, geochemical and microbial investigation of a sulfide-rich tailings deposit characterized by neutral drainage. Applied Geochemistry, 24: 2212-2221. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2009.09.012

  • Lindsay, M.B.J., Blowes, D.W., Condon, P.D., Ptacek, C.J. ,2009. Managing pore-water quality in mine tailings by inducing microbial sulfate reduction. Environmental Science & Technology, 43: 7086-7091. doi: 10.1021/es901524z

  • Oiffer, A.A.L., Barker, J.F., Gervais, F.M., Mayer, K.U., Ptacek, C.J., Rudolph, D.L., 2009. A detailed field-based evaluation of naphthenic acid mobility in groundwater. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 108: 89-106. doi: 10.1016/j.jconhyd.2009.06.003

  • Robertson, W.D., Ptacek, C.J., Brown, S.J., 2009. Rates of nitrate and perchlorate removal in a five year old wood particle reactor. Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation, 29(2): 87-94. doi: 10.1111/j.1745-6592.2009.01231

  • Sasaki, K., Blowes, D.W., Ptacek, C.J., 2009. Spectroscopic study of precipitates formed during the removal of selenium from mine drainage using permeable reactive materials. Geochemical Journal, 42:283-294. doi: 10.2343/geochemj.42.283