There are a number of options for achieving a Major in History at Waterloo.
1. Declare your Major
See also: Arts & Business (co-op & regular)
2. Add a specialization (optional)
Students in the Honours History program are eligible to declare a specialization in one of three areas:
3. Consider the Co-operative Education program (optional)
There are two co-op options:
- Students can complete an Honours History degree with Co-op. This is normally completed in 5 years and gives a student work experience in their field of study.
- Students working towards a degree in Honours History and Arts & Business are eligible for the Co-op option.
4. Complete the Undergraduate BA Breadth Requirements
If you are working towards the completion of a History Major, you will need to ensure that you satisfy both the Major degree requirements as well as the Bachelor of Arts Breadth Requirements. Your Undergraduate Coordinator and Advisor, and your Associate Chair, Undergraduate Studies can help you make sure you're staying on track. You can also refer to the Self-Assessment Forms, below.
Interested in History, but already Majoring in something else?
You can declare either a Double Major, whereby you would fulfil the Honours History requirements in addition to your other Major's requirements, or else choose to Minor in History.
Degree Requirement Checklist
The forms below help you assess your academic progress. These are great tools to help you plan for upcoming terms and ensure you are on the right track to completing your History degree.
When declaring History as your major, follow the requirements in the Undergraduate Studies Calendar according to the year you began your studies in the Faculty of Arts. History majors who began their studies prior to the Arts Major Reset in September 2016 may choose to follow the new requirements or continue in their current path.
Note: If you plan to pursue a BEd after your History degree, it is recommended that you complete at least 1.0 credit units (2 courses) focused on Canadian history.