There are historians across every campus at the University of Waterloo.
Steven Bednarski

Professor, St. Jerome's University
Research interests:
- Medieval history
- Environmental history
- Social history
- Criminal history
- Gender history
Marlene Epp

Professor Emeritus of History and Peace and Conflict Studies, Conrad Grebel University College (Retired 2022)
Research interests:
- Immigration and refugees in Canada
- Gender studies - women and family
- Mennonite history
- The history of food and culture
Kimie Hara
Professor, Renison University College
Office: REN 1109
Phone: 519-884-4404, ext. 28660
Research interests:
- Modern and contemporary international relations of the Asia-Pacific region
- Diplomatic history of Japan
David Neufeld

Assistant Professor, History,
Conrad Grebel University College
Office: CGUC 3101
Phone: 519-885-0220 x24201
Research interests:
- Religion and culture in Early Modern Europe
- Anabaptists and Anabaptism
- The history of archives
Jane Nicholas

Professor, St. Jerome's University
Office: SH 2014
Phone: 519-888-4567, ext. 28273
Research Interests:
- Canada
- Body history
- Gender and Women's history
- History and theory
Troy Osborne

Dean, Associate Professor,
Conrad Grebel University College
Office: CGUC 2118
Phone: 519-885-0220 x24260
Research interests:
- Early modern European religious and cultural history
- The Dutch republic
- Anabaptist/Mennonite history
Ryan Touhey

Associate Professor, History Department Chair, St. Jerome's University
Office: SH 2002
Phone: 519-888-4567, ext. 28218
Research interests:
- Canadian foreign relations
- Canadian political history
- The Cold War
- Modern South Asia, with a particular focus on India