Touhey, Ryan M. Conflicting Visions: Canada and India in the Cold War. (Vancouver: UBC Press). 2015

Kroeker, Greta, Timothy Fehler, Charles H Parker, and Jonathan Ray (eds.). Religious Diaspora in Early Modern Europe. (London: Pickering and Chatto). 2014

Milligan, Ian. Rebel Youth: 1960s Labour Unrest, Young Workers, and New Leftists in English Canada. (Vancouver: UBC Press). 2014

Briggs, Catherine (ed.). Modern Canada. (Toronto: Oxford University Press). 2014

Lackenbauer, Whitney. The Canadian Rangers: A Living History. (Vancouver: UBC Press). 2013

Lackenbauer, Whitney (ed.). Canada’s Rangers: Selected Stories. (Kingston: CDA Press). 2013

Peers, Douglas M. and Gooptu, Nandini. (eds.) India and the British Empire (Oxford: Oxford University Press). 2012

Gorman, Daniel. The Emergence of International Society in the 1920s. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press). 2012

Sbardellati, John. J. Edgar Hoover Goes to the Movies: The FBI and the Origins of Hollywood's Cold War. (Ithaca: Cornell University Press). 2012

Hayes, Geoffrey, Mike Bechthold, and Matt Symes, eds. Canada and the Second World War: Essays in Honour of Terry Copp. (Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier UP). 2012
Kroeker, Greta. Erasmus in the Footsteps of Paul. (Toronto: University of Toronto Press). 2011

Lackenbauer, Whitney, Franklyn Griffiths, and Rob Huebert. Canada and the Changing Arctic: Sovereignty, Security and Stewardship.(Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press). 2011
Bruce, Gary. The Firm: The Inside Story of the Stasi. (New York: Oxford University Press). 2010

Lackenbauer, Whitney, with John Moses, Scott Sheffield, and Maxime Gohier. A Commemorative History of Aboriginal People in the Canadian Military. (Ottawa: Department of National Defence). 2010

Lackenbauer, Whitney, and Peter Kikkert. The Canadian Forces and Arctic Sovereignty: Debating Roles, Interests, and Requirements, 1968-1974. (Waterloo: Laurier Centre for Military Strategic and Disarmament Studies / WLU Press). 2010
MacDougall, Heather.Making Medicare: The History of Health Care in Canada, 1914-2007. (Digital Exhibition at the Canadian Museum of Civilization). 2010

Muirhead, Brucewith Ron Harpelle. The International Development Research Centre: Forty Years of Research for Development. (Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press). 2010

Roy, Susan. These Mysterious People: Shaping History and Archaeology in a Northwest Coast Community. (Montréal: McGill-Queen's University Press). 2010

Statiev, Alex. The Soviet Counter-Insurgency in the Western Borderlands. (NY: Cambridge University Press). 2010

Taylor, Lynne. Polish Orphans of Tengeru: The Dramatic Story of their Long Journey to Canada, 1941-49. (Toronto:Dundurn Press).
Polskie Sieroty z Tengeru. (Poznau, Poland REBIS Publishing, 2010).

English, John. Just Watch Me: The Life of Pierre Elliott Trudeau, Volume Two: 1968-2000.(Toronto: Knopf). 2009

Hunt, Andrew. The 1980s: Social History of the United States. (Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO Books). 2009

Roberts, Julia.In Mixed Company: Taverns and Public Canada. (Vancouver: UBC Press). 2009

Coates, Ken and Whitney Lackenbauer, William R. Morrison and Greg Poelzer. Arctic Front: Defending Canadian Interests in the Far North. (Toronto: Thomas Allen Publishers). 2008

Hayes, Geoffrey with Mark Sedra, ed. Afghanistan: Transition under Threat. (Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press). 2008

Gorman, Dan. Imperial Citizenship: Empire and the Question of Belonging.(Manchester: Manchester UP). 2007

Hayes, Geoffrey. The Lincs: A History of the Lincoln and Welland Regiment.(reprint) (Waterloo: LCMSDS). 2007

Hayes, Geoffrey, Andrew Iarroci, and Mike Bechthold, eds. Vimy Ridge: A Canadian Reassessment. (Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier UP). 2007

Muirhead, Bruce. Dancing Around the Elephant: Creating a Prosperous Canada in an Era of American Dominance, 1957-1973. (Toronto: University of Toronto Press). 2007

Walker, James and Andrew S. Thompson, eds. Critical Mass: The Emergence of Global Civil Society. (Waterloo:WLU Press - CIGI). 2007

English, John. Citizen of the World: The Life of Pierre Elliott Trudeau, Volume One: 1919-1968. (Toronto: Knopf). 2006

Hunt, Andrew. David Dellinger: The Life and Times of a Nonviolent Revolutionary.(New York:New York UP). 2006

English, John, Richard Gwyn, and P. Whitney Lackenbauer, eds. The Hidden Pierre Elliott Trudeau: The Faith Behind the Politics. (Novalis). 2004

Taylor, Lynne, ed. Liebe Mutti: Fragments from KZ-Reports Sachsenhausen, 1939-1946. (Lanham, MD University Press of America). 2004