Daniel Gorman

Chair of the Department and Professor



I am interested in the history of the British Empire (19th and 20th centuries), modern Britain, and the history of global governance. I am currently working on two projects:

  1. A book on international civil society organizations and debates about freedom of expression from the 1920s to the 1960s
  2. Global Governance, Trust and Democratic Engagement in Past and Present – a collaborative research project with colleagues in Britain, Switzerland, and the United States.  We are studying historical relationships between political participation, democracy, and international institutions from the First World War to the early 2000s, which will foster greater understanding of how global cooperative mechanisms can be reimagined in the present.

I also teach at the Balsillie School of International Affairs.


  • B.A. (Hon) St. Francis Xavier University
  • M.A. Queen's University
  • Ph.D. McMaster University

Research and teaching interests​

  • British Empire
  • Modern Britain
  • International relations
  • History of global governance

Courses taught

  • HIST 101: Global History
  • HIST 266 The British empire, 1857-1956
  • HIST 268 Comparative history of empires
  • HIST 311 International relations, 1890-1951
  • HIST/PSCI 369 Decolonization
  • HIST 370: Bond, Bowie, and Brexit: Britain from 1945 to the New Millenium
  • HIST 605 Global governance in historical perspective

Recent public​ations


Awards and achievements

  • Arts Teaching Award, 2018.