News archive - 2013

Thursday, February 7, 2013

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Saturday, February 2, 2013

Latest message from the Provost regarding LEARN

To: All University of Waterloo students

From: Geoff McBoyle, Vice-President, Academic & Provost

Date: February 1, 2013

Subject: Update on Waterloo LEARN


Dear Students,

Friday, February 1, 2013

LEARN Available

Update: 5:00PM

The Waterloo LEARN system has been running since about 12:30pm. We have done local testing and people are on the system, and it appears to be performing normally. We feel the system is stable and that it can go back into normal use. Desire2Learn continues to monitor their hosting site and
we will continue to check for any alerts. A thorough investigation into events will begin next week, in collaboration with D2L.

Thank you for your patience during this difficult time.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Message from the Provost regarding LEARN

To: All University of Waterloo students
From: Geoff McBoyle, Vice-President, Academic & Provost
Date: January 31, 2013
Subject: Update on Waterloo LEARN
Dear Students,
As you are painfully aware, our Waterloo LEARN online learning management system has been unusable or unavailable since Tuesday at 3:25 p.m. You may also know that the system is hosted at a facility run by Desire2Learn (D2L).
An explanation of the Waterloo LEARN problem

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Letter From Desire2Learn

Below is a letter from Desire2Learn's President and CEO, John Baker.

UW Letter Jan 2013 John Baker .docx

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