This tutorial is designed to introduce you to the basic editing tools used in ArcMap for the both the creation and modification of geospatial data. Editing is an essential skill for GIS users that helps build spatial awareness and a broader understanding of topological relationships. This tutorial will cover several common editing functions and workflows using the Feature Template editing environment in ArcGIS 10.x.
You may have heard of GIS, but what exactly is it, and more importantly, how can you use it in your own research and academic work? This introductory workshop presents the basic concepts of GIS and will teach you the skills you need to find geospatial data, map it, and discover new dimensions of information.
By the end of the workshop, you will be able to:
This workshop will provide tips and practical experience on how to write an annotated bibliography, including using RefWorks to assist in its creation. A RefWorks account and basic knowledge of/experience with RefWorks is expected.
This workshop will review the Tri-agency (CIHR, NSERC & SSHRC) Open Access policy on publications, which applies to all NSERC or SSHRC grants awarded on or after May 1, 2015 and CIHR grants awarded on or after January 1, 2008. The session will cover:

Are you stressed? Do you need help or someone to talk to? Peer supporters from Mental Health Services are here for you! Counselling services will be offered in the Dana Porter and Davis Centre libraries during exams. This service is provided by UW MATES (Mentor Assistance Through Education & Support).
Counselling is available Monday to Thursday 7:00pm-9:00pm during the exam period:
- Dana Porter Library, room 329 (Flex Lab)
- Davis Centre Library, room 1568
OER are learning resources that have been released under an open license permitting their free use/modification. OER render this knowledge accessible to all. Digital locks and restrictive licences seriously hinder the use of commercial content. The free sharing of OER is an essential element in any self-directed learning environment. The free sharing of open educational resources (OER) can be seen as essential for promoting the creation of content usable online.

Are you stressed? Do you need help or someone to talk to? Peer supporters from Mental Health Services are here for you! Counselling services will be offered in the Dana Porter and Davis Centre libraries during exams. This service is provided by UW MATES (Mentor Assistance Through Education & Support).
Counselling is available Monday to Thursday 7:00pm-9:00pm during the exam period:
- Dana Porter Library, room 329 (Flex Lab)
- Davis Centre Library, room 1568

Are you stressed? Do you need help or someone to talk to? Peer supporters from Mental Health Services are here for you! Counselling services will be offered in the Dana Porter and Davis Centre libraries during exams. This service is provided by UW MATES (Mentor Assistance Through Education & Support).
Counselling is available Monday to Thursday 7:00pm-9:00pm during the exam period:
- Dana Porter Library, room 329 (Flex Lab)
- Davis Centre Library, room 1568

Are you stressed? Do you need help or someone to talk to? Peer supporters from Mental Health Services are here for you! Counselling services will be offered in the Dana Porter and Davis Centre libraries during exams. This service is provided by UW MATES (Mentor Assistance Through Education & Support).
Counselling is available Monday to Thursday 7:00pm-9:00pm during the exam period:
- Dana Porter Library, room 329 (Flex Lab)
- Davis Centre Library, room 1568

Are you stressed? Do you need help or someone to talk to? Peer supporters from Mental Health Services are here for you! Counselling services will be offered in the Dana Porter and Davis Centre libraries during exams. This service is provided by UW MATES (Mentor Assistance Through Education & Support).
Counselling is available Monday to Thursday 7:00pm-9:00pm during the exam period:
- Dana Porter Library, room 329 (Flex Lab)
- Davis Centre Library, room 1568

Are you stressed? Do you need help or someone to talk to? Peer supporters from Mental Health Services are here for you! Counselling services will be offered in the Dana Porter and Davis Centre libraries during exams. This service is provided by UW MATES (Mentor Assistance Through Education & Support).
Counselling is available Monday to Thursday 7:00pm-9:00pm during the exam period:
- Dana Porter Library, room 329 (Flex Lab)
- Davis Centre Library, room 1568

Are you stressed? Do you need help or someone to talk to? Peer supporters from Mental Health Services are here for you! Counselling services will be offered in the Dana Porter and Davis Centre libraries during exams. This service is provided by UW MATES (Mentor Assistance Through Education & Support).
Counselling is available Monday to Thursday 7:00pm-9:00pm during the exam period:
- Dana Porter Library, room 329 (Flex Lab)
- Davis Centre Library, room 1568

Are you stressed? Do you need help or someone to talk to? Peer supporters from Mental Health Services are here for you! Counselling services will be offered in the Dana Porter and Davis Centre libraries during exams. This service is provided by UW MATES (Mentor Assistance Through Education & Support).
Counselling is available Monday to Thursday 7:00pm-9:00pm during the exam period:
- Dana Porter Library, room 329 (Flex Lab)
- Davis Centre Library, room 1568

Are you stressed? Do you need help or someone to talk to? Peer supporters from Mental Health Services are here for you! Counselling services will be offered in the Dana Porter and Davis Centre libraries during exams. This service is provided by UW MATES (Mentor Assistance Through Education & Support).
Counselling is available Monday to Thursday 7:00pm-9:00pm during the exam period:
- Dana Porter Library, room 329 (Flex Lab)
- Davis Centre Library, room 1568

Are you stressed? Do you need help or someone to talk to? Peer supporters from Mental Health Services are here for you! Counselling services will be offered in the Dana Porter and Davis Centre libraries during exams. This service is provided by UW MATES (Mentor Assistance Through Education & Support).
Counselling is available Monday to Thursday 7:00pm-9:00pm during the exam period:
- Dana Porter Library, room 329 (Flex Lab)
- Davis Centre Library, room 1568
This workshop will review the Tri-agency (CIHR, NSERC & SSHRC) Open Access policy on publications, which applies to all NSERC or SSHRC grants awarded on or after May 1, 2015 and CIHR grants awarded on or after January 1, 2008. The session will cover:

Today we honour Maya Angelou on her 89th birthday, with a display in the Dana Porter Library foyer! Browse our collection of her poetry and autobiographical works, then head down to Special Collections & Archives to read a copy of the poem 'On the pulse of morning,' which Angelou read at Bill Clinton's inauguration in 1993.

P. Whitney Lackenbauer will moderate a discussion between fellow historians Patrice Dutil, Daniel Heidt, Marcel Martel, Robert Wardhaugh and political scientist Jacqueline Krikorian, around the major political agreements, battles and conflicting visions that surrounded each province’s entry into Confederation between 1865 and 1949.
A full day event for postdocs and graduate students only.
Register for all the sessions, or choose those most relevant to you and your research program. Lunch will be provided at noon to those who RSVP and attend at least one workshop.
This event will cover a wide variety of publication issues, and will specifically host the following workshops:
Hear briefly from the Office of Academic Integrity about why you need to reference your sources. Then learn how to manage your references, create bibliographies, and format your papers in a variety of citation styles from a liaison librarian using RefWorks, a web-based citation software freely available to all UWaterloo students, faculty, staff, and alumni.
By the end of this workshop, you will:
The Library is reaching an exciting phase in our revitalization project and we need your feedback!
Our architects, WalterFedy, have incorporated student and staff feedback into the preliminary design for Phase 1 renovations at Davis Centre Library, and we want to know what you think. Pizza and refreshments will be provided!
The Library is reaching an exciting phase in our revitalization project and we need your feedback!
Our architects, WalterFedy, have incorporated student and staff feedback into the preliminary design for Phase 1 renovations at Davis Centre Library, and we want to know what you think. Pizza and refreshments will be provided!
This workshop will review the Tri-agency (CIHR, NSERC & SSHRC) Open Access policy on publications, which applies to all NSERC or SSHRC grants awarded on or after May 1, 2015 and CIHR grants awarded on or after January 1, 2008. The session will cover:
This quick workshop will introduce you to the basics of copyright and licensing for your teaching. By the end of this workshop you will be better prepared to:
- Use copyright and licensed works in the classroom, LEARN, or through Course Reserves
- Find and select Creative Commons images for your slides
- Choose alternate options for using copyright or license-protected works, if necessary
There will be 15 minutes for questions following the presentation, so feel free to bring a question or two!