This workshop will provide tips and practical experience on how to write an annotated bibliography, including using RefWorks to assist in its creation. A RefWorks account and basic knowledge of/experience with RefWorks is expected.

Wednesday, January 31st is Bell Let’s Talk Day.
Waterloo Library is partnering with Waterloo Recreation and Wellness to talk about mental health and hand out stickers, buttons, ‘talk bubbles’ and toques. Drop by Dana Porter and Davis Centre libraries between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. to say hi to out student Library Ambassadors and grab some swag!
Ever wanted to try Open Source GIS but didn’t know where to start? Here you will learn how Open Source compares to the “Big Guy’s”. This workshop builds on “Getting Started with ArcGIS” (a recommended prerequisite for those with no previous GIS experience) but isn’t absolutely necessary. This workshop introduces users to a different environment to create maps with GIS.
By the end of the workshop, you will be able to:
Understand what QGIS is and it’s capabilities