
This dataset was received from the National Land and Water Information Service, Agriculture and Agri-Food, Canada.

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The Daily 10 km Gridded Historial Climate Dataset for Canada 1961-2003 (ANUSPLIN Point Grid) contains gridded point locations of daily maximum temperature (°C), minimum temperature (°C), and precipitation (mm) for the Canadian landmass south of 60°N . Each daily grid contains interpolated point estimates arranged in a regular grid with a spacing of 10 km. Grids were interpolated from daily Environment Canada climate station observations using a thin plate smoothing spline surface fitting method implemented by ANUSPLIN V4.3.

The data are georeferenced TIF images, one image for each day of the year.

Spatial reference and data type

These data sets are available in Geographic Coordinate System, Horizontal Datum: North American Datum (NAD) 83. Map projection name: Albers Conical Equal Area. Other data formats can be accommodated, as the Geospatial Centre has access to a number of conversion utilities.

Data access

To request this data, please fill out the Ask-Us form and include which layers (shapefiles) you are interested in obtaining. The dataset will be shared with you via OneDrive upon completion of the data release agreement form. You may also make an in-person appointment using the same form. You can also go to

Use restrictions/licensing/copyright

This material is provided for academic, research, teaching, and personal use only. National Land and Water Information Service, Agriculture and Agri-Food, Canada should be acknowledged on any derivative product, such as a map or an image.


Daily Maximum Temperatures (celsius) for Canada. [Computer File]. National Land and Water Information Service, Agriculture and Agri-Food, Canada, 2020.

Sample view of the data

Canadian Maximum Temperatures (celsius) on December 31, 2003