Library Lens - Week 4

From delicious treats, to workshops, to office decor -- staff are making the best of these cold, wintry days and even taking time to enjoy the sunsets.

Delicious chinese treats set out on a table in Circulation.

"Delicious rolls Deborah Lee brought in to celebrate Chinese New Year." Photo submitted by Alex McCulloch.

Meredith Fischer sitting on a book truck being pushed by Alex Dobre.

Part two of the "Life of the Book in Cataloging" story continues in the Library Clerk Derived Cataloguing department (Word).

Workshop in session in the Davis Conference Room

The Geospatial Centre's LINC workshop, "Mapping with ArcGIS 10.2" on Thursday, Feb. 6. Co-op student Mohamed Drahma presented to a full-house in DC 1568. "According to Mohamed, this was his first teaching experience ever, and he did a fine job, if I do say so myself." Submitted by Talsan Schulzke.

Christmas trees on a shelf in front of a window with the sunset in the background.

Sharon Lamont's office has provided front row seats to many beautiful sunsets over the years. She writes: "Rather serendipitously, today [February 5] was another beauty so I was originally trying to capture the gorgeous sunset but found the trees on my window sill to be pretty adorable too..."

Lamp, box for swag and other decor

Rachel McNeil submitted this photo and writes,  I'm happy to be settling in to my new office and combining my work with another passion - home décor!"

A wintry view through Jane's office window.

A view out of Jane Forgay's office window. Jane notes, "As the phone display indicates it's a wintery, Feb. 6, 9:14 am."

Steph Voichita at the Relais station in the Davis Centre Library.

"Steph at the Relais station in DC, making sure it is on so that TUGdoc and ILL articles could be sent to their requesters." Submitted by Steph Voichita.

This week's throw-back photo

Dana Porter painted onto a pumpkin

Helena Calogeridis shares her photo of Dana Pumpkin from last year's Library Day festivities.

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