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The Library is embarking on a significant space revitalization initiative. More than 17,000 people enter our doors each day, making us a popular destination for research and study.
Within our existing footprint, we will focus on four areas:
- user space, particularly for students
- service points
- staff space
- collection space
The aim is to create updated spaces that support modern library services, collaborative approaches to scholarship, and students in order to enable and further campus and library strategic directions.
We are in the planning stages of the phase 1 of this revitalization initiative. Phase 1 will focus on the third and fifth floors of Dana Porter Library as well as aspects of Davis Centre Library. The projected budget for phase 1 is $2 million.
To stay up-to-date with developments, please visit the library revitalization page.
Annie BĂ©langer
Associate University Librarian, Information Resources & Academic Excellence
519-888-4567, ext. 32882
Sharon Lamont
Director, Organizational Services
519-888-4567, ext. 33519