News archive - 2019

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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Our new catalogue is Omni-ficent!

students using computer

The Library is excited to announce the arrival of Omni, a game-changing academic search tool to support your research and coursework.

Launching soon, Omni is a collaboration between 14 Ontario university libraries, coming together in one catalogue that allows you to easily discover and access high-quality, scholarly materials from your campus, computer or phone. 

Friday, November 22, 2019

The Library and W Print make good buddies

Jordan and Carmen holding calendars

By popular demand, a set of calendars created in support of the United Way are headed for a second printing. Who’s a good buddy? 2020 features the cats and dogs of University of Waterloo Library and have proved popular across campus.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

NEW! Archives database

screenshot of database

Special Collections & Archives (SCA) is pleased to announce the launch of our new Archives Database, an online resource for searching our collections.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Extended hours start November 24

Dana Porter and Davis Centre libraries will have extended hours throughout the exam period, starting Sunday, November 24 and ending Saturday, December 21.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Rare POW artifacts liberated at the Library

Cameron Hill

University of Waterloo Special Collections & Archives has now made available an unparalleled collection of prisoner of war (POW) artifacts, documents and photographs donated by the family of a local Kitchener man.

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