Calling all green thumbs and plant-lovers! The HSW Committee invites you to join us on the Dana Porter Library's patio to participate in some plant and potting fun.

All crafters are welcome! Bring your knitting, craftwork or just join us for a chat and a cup of tea.
Over the past year, Library managers have been working in partnership with Human Resources to increase consistency of practice regarding performance reviews and ratings. Those of you who were with us in January 2018 will have already seen the email below that introduced this initiative. Moving forward, there will be two open sessions about the compensation process.
Support the United Way and your mental and physical wellness with yoga sessions led by Kathy MacDonald.
Classes will be held on June 19, July 24, August 14, September 18 and October 16.
There is a maximum of 10 attendees per session, so sign up early!
Cost is $5/class or $20 for all 5 classes. Pay at the door or in advance to
Sandra Keys or Sarah Martin.
Over the past year, Library managers have been working in partnership with Human Resources to increase consistency of practice regarding performance reviews and ratings. Those of you who were with us in January 2018 will have already seen the email below that introduced this initiative. Moving forward, there will be two open sessions about the compensation process.

All crafters are welcome! Bring your knitting, craftwork or just join us for a chat and a cup of tea.